Edi, there is a link about the diet when you are also doing the parasite protocol:
Although in the Genesis 2 website, the recommendations are not as strict. Sugar, refined products and dairy are out.
Best thing, as Delite said, is to research carefully. But remember, the experts on MMS have done a lot of the homework for us
and besides, they have gone through the whole program many times over and have a lot of experience.
For a short period I do well on a very alkaline diet of mostly vegetables and their juice with minimal acid forming foods, but my metabolism requires some acid forming foods
to keep balanced, like fish, eggs, few whole grains and lentils, or I start having more digestive problems and tiredness.
Twice I went on all raw food diet, super alkaline and the digestion got worse. Then I tried a vegetarian diet with green smoothies and herbs and my auto immune disease got worse.
Just before starting MMS, I was having a lot of reflux maybe from a Hiatal Hernia. Couldnt' lie down even hours after eating, digestion was super slow.
But after only 10 days on MMS1 and MMS2, I never once felt reflux or GERD. Tomorrow it will be 2 weeks since I started and I added diatomaceous earth, great product!