I've had a staph infection for almost three years. It's not MSRA, just a common staph infection I'm told. I was misdiagnosed over & over again for the first three years by over a dozen different doctors. I also have bad inflammation caused by the staph getting into my muscles & fibromylgia, & extremely bad vertigo (caused by the staph infection I believe.)
I have been taking 3 drops of MMS, 3 drops 50% citric acid, & 3 drops of DMSO eight times a day every hour. I've been doing this for 2 weeks now. I have noticed a huge difference with the inflammation pain. The staph infection hasn't gotten any better yet & vertigo has actually gotten quite a bit worst. I am also very tired & my memory has gotten really bad since starting the MMS treatments. Does any one know if this is a normal side effect of taking MMS? Also I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how long it should take to clear up a non-MRSA staph infection? I've read 1 week to 2 months for MRSA, so I'm wondering if I should have noticed a difference for my staph infection by now, since it's not MRSA?
Thanks so much for reading!,