Indeed, my experience pushed me to theorize that the efficiency of MMS come from the fact that many conditions presently considered chronic (diabetes, autism, cardio-vascular lesions, etc...) are in fact partially caused by pathogens that are unidentified simply because nobody saw an interest in healing the patient completely.
Latest examples include Mycoplasma fermentans which seems to induce the infamous Gulf War syndrome, or the Anaplasma genus which induces endothelium proliferation and thus provokes heartstrokes.
In France, an association called chronimed explores this hypothesis but they are sadly focused on analysing rather than treating the phenomenon. They don't want to hear about MMS, out of fear or narrow-mindedness I do not know.
But Lyme is probably the best example, and that's probably why so many people want to shut down any resarch on the subject: it might be the disease that exposes the whole pharmaco-industrial hoax.