This is my first contact with your site. It is amazing what I hear. I don't understand why people who went from positive to negative don't speak up? It would certainly encourage others to try and raise more questions, as there is still so much unanswered about AIDS.
I've started today Umlingo Wamangcolosi juice since I've heard lots of good feedback about it. So I shared this with my friend. She replied to me with MMS info, saying that she took it not long ago and her CD4 went up for 200, what is great. I didn't have time to do much research on it, but I signed up here right away. I'd like to know if there are any negative side effects? I know every person reacts differently. I am originally from Eastern Europe, tested positive 20 years ago in USA as a part of procedure for immigration papers. I've NEVER had any symptoms or illness related to hiv, and in general I'm in good health. My VL has been always low and sometimes undetectable, with no medication. The last one last summer was only 900, but my CD4 lately dropped down to 400's. So whatever those numbers mean, and hiv non-specific tests test for, I'd like to take hiv label off my life - test negative. Since I was a child I did have some health issues and if you are interested I can tell you about it later.
My question is - is MMS 100% safe? Since I don't have any symptoms should I start with regular dosage or try with lower and see how I'd react? What would you recommend? Would it interfere with Umlingo juice. I've been also taking Silver hydrosol and aloe juice.