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HIV is curable using MMS 28 Feb 2011 06:12 #945

  • ZnzMagic
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A friend of mine called Naseem Bokhari +255 (0) 713 412000 also currently reachable on +254786142327 had a friend on antiviral drugs due to having tested HIV +.

The friend decided to try MMS and did the 15 drop cure 2 years ago and within 6 weeks went back to the clinic to test and the result came back negative. The clinic where she was attending wanted to know what she was using that as cured her as all others on antiviral drugs had remained positive, she was to scared to tell them that she had used MMS, the clinic asked her to come back in 3 months to retest, I am currently trying to locate Naseem and her friend to get an update and will post further regarding this case.

Naseem has bought further bottles of MMS to help further friends since this first friend of hers indicating that MMS is working.

Currently I know of 2 further people on MMS fighting their HIV + results, both in their 2nd weeks of treatment and I will be updating this forum with info.

Naseem is out of the country currently but can be contacted on the above tel number for further verification and I shall certainly be bringing a great testimonial regarding HIV shortly right here as I said I am close to 2 different patients using MMS currently to cure themselves of HIV and I am a true believer that MMS works and does cure HIV.

Can happily report that Naseem is back in the country and has confirmed her friend is still negative and as fit as a fiddle after being cured of her HIV and has even put on a lot of weight.

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Last edit: by ZnzMagic. Reason: Updating phone numbers

Re: HIV is curable using MMS 01 Mar 2011 07:31 #986

  • Michael Harrah
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ZnzMagic your reports are awesome brother! Keep up the good work!!!

Michael Harrah
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Re: HIV is curable using MMS 28 Aug 2011 05:07 #4819

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This is my first contact with your site. It is amazing what I hear. I don't understand why people who went from positive to negative don't speak up? It would certainly encourage others to try and raise more questions, as there is still so much unanswered about AIDS.

I've started today Umlingo Wamangcolosi juice since I've heard lots of good feedback about it. So I shared this with my friend. She replied to me with MMS info, saying that she took it not long ago and her CD4 went up for 200, what is great. I didn't have time to do much research on it, but I signed up here right away. I'd like to know if there are any negative side effects? I know every person reacts differently. I am originally from Eastern Europe, tested positive 20 years ago in USA as a part of procedure for immigration papers. I've NEVER had any symptoms or illness related to hiv, and in general I'm in good health. My VL has been always low and sometimes undetectable, with no medication. The last one last summer was only 900, but my CD4 lately dropped down to 400's. So whatever those numbers mean, and hiv non-specific tests test for, I'd like to take hiv label off my life - test negative. Since I was a child I did have some health issues and if you are interested I can tell you about it later.

My question is - is MMS 100% safe? Since I don't have any symptoms should I start with regular dosage or try with lower and see how I'd react? What would you recommend? Would it interfere with Umlingo juice. I've been also taking Silver hydrosol and aloe juice.


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Last edit: by Anna68.

Re: HIV is curable using MMS 28 Aug 2011 09:04 #4822

  • ZnzMagic
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Hi Anna.

Thanks for the input and welcome to the forum.

Well not sure many people feel comfortable if you asked them to wear t-shirts printed with HIV positive on them, unless you an activist and want to change things like a few who do give testimonials.

MMS is safe.

Simply start slow as protocol 1000 instructs.

It should not interfere with your UMLINGO WAMANGCOLOSI

Umlingo Wamangcolosi juice is new to me even though I have heard of it but never followed up on it, so give it a try, I believe it is all natural and herbal.

Let us know of results.

Otherwise you may do the MMS any time you wish, only thing to avoid is orange juice and vitamin C, including juices from packets that include extra vitamin C.

Need to do abit more research on Silver hydrosol and aloe juice, but I believe they should not be of any concern.


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Re: HIV is curable using MMS 21 Nov 2011 11:02 #8350

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Is it really 100% safe and really works?
Why you dont publish it worldwide so that many people can get cured?

Please help me, where this MMS can be avail from? and how to intake it? I would be very thankfull to you.


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Re: HIV is curable using MMS 02 Aug 2012 06:11 #20722

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Hi i took MMS for 7 weeks now at 24 drops for 8 hours. When I first started I had alot of phlegm which is a sign of detox (the HIV virus is being killed). Now after 7 weeks I'm still having phlegm. Can anyone tell me if the HIV virus is gone? Perhaps I should go for a screening test to check. Thank you.

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Re: HIV is curable using MMS 06 Sep 2012 10:22 #22659

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My friend has taken MMS p. 1000 fr 4 weeks. No phlegm and no reaction.
But he stays on his meds as far as i know. So the viral load is at 0 and CD cells at 800 anyway!

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HIV is curable using MMS 23 Jul 2020 19:07 #65315

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Hi dear im hiv postive and herpes i been talking mms for two months but still have lumps in my neck and breaking skin from herpes any further information please help thanks.

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HIV is curable using MMS 23 Jul 2020 22:09 #65317

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It may take longer than two months.

Which protocol(s) are you following and what is the hourly dosing? Using MMS1, CDS or CDH? Any topical, bath, enema, etc. use?

How is your diet? Eating organic foods?
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