Thanks to everyone who has responded to this thread!!
I appreciate your support! Changes in perspective sometimes happen quickly with me. I had already, since last night, realized the blessings bestowed on me by my doctor's decision.
I had made the decision to use MMS1 to heal back in early Fall of last year. The final cause of any anxiety has been what he would do. Yesterday, that was revealed to me. What a relief I am feeling today! Now I can totally focus of what is best for me and not concern myself with what others think about my decision.
By the way, my case worker in the health department has been very supportive, which is great!
Actually, I have basically been paying my doctor to poison me, in my perspective. Not his, of course. But still, that is about all he has been doing. Prescribing ARVs that he, himself, told me would probably eventually be the cause of my death! Also to interpret lab results that I really have very little faith in. So, I do see this as a new level of freedom to make my own choices in my health care. He could not agree to my decision and that is fine. I hold no anger or discontent against him. He is a very gentle and kind man and I honor him for his attention and care over the past two years. I know that he was only doing what he felt was the best thing for me...and actually, probably his only choice.
Thanks for the email address. I will keep you in mind. Your post has already helped me to feel very good about this. Terry