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Herpes Protocol with CDS 18 Apr 2019 16:49 #60353

  • MikeGreo
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I'm new to the forum and new to the world of MMS. So far quite intrigued with all the information.

I am a little confused about the CDS product. In Jim Humble's book I didn't see a mention of it. Now it is said to already be activated. Isn't MMS also Chloride Dioxide and it needs to be activated with Citric acid or Hyaurolic acid. But CDS is also called Chloride Dioxide. Am I missing something here?

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Herpes Protocol with CDS 18 Apr 2019 18:05 #60354

  • CLO2
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Hi MikeGreo.

MMS is 22.4% sodium chlorite solution (SCS).

MMS1 is the resultant solution when MMS and 4% HCL are combined and after 30 seconds of "activation" 120 ml of water is added. Some chlorine dioxide (CLO2) is produced during the 30 second "activation", but only 10% of the available CLO2 is released. The other 90% CLO2 should be released in stomach acid.

CDH is similar, but activation takes about 12 hours and releases 50% of the available CLO2. Stomach acid should release the other 50%.

CDS is 100% CLO2 in distilled water externally. There is no change in CLO2 content in stomach acid.

So, all SCSs produce CLO2 from the same two ingredients. I choose the most appropriate SCS "medication" depending on the ailment and its location. More than one might be used. Today I am ingesting home-made CDS.

Check out my website for more info on this subject.
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Herpes Protocol with CDS 20 Apr 2019 22:12 #60380

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Hi CLO2. Thanks for your response.

Looking at the protocols I believe the Protocol 115 will be most suitable to apply. Being at work during the day makes it very difficult to do Protocol 1000 which requires dosage of 1 drop of MMS1 every hour. With Protocol 115 my understanding is that I need to be concerned with only taking a 1ml of CDS every 15 minutes for 2 hours and that's it. Or do I need to take it for an additional 6 hours ontop of 115?
The following user(s) said Thank You: abusamra

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Herpes Protocol with CDS 21 Apr 2019 01:19 #60381

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If you have never taken MMS before, be sure to start by following the Starting Procedure. My version of that protocol is on my website and includes equivalent CDS and CDH dosing.

Protocol 115, which is not approved by Jim Humble, starts with 1 ml CDS doses every 15 minutes for a 2 hour period. You can increase dosing from the 1 ml starting dose. You can continue taking hourly doses for another 6 hours if needed.

Protocol 1000 has a limit of 3 drop MMS1 doses. The 3 drop dosing is not a goal.
The following user(s) said Thank You: abusamra

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Herpes Protocol with CDS 23 Apr 2019 00:43 #60392

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I want to start with the CDS since is said to not have bad taste or cause vomitting. Why can't I start with CDS and 115? Or if I do have to start with Protocol 1000 and MMS, can I just do that for one day, or just the weekend, which is possible to do the whole 8 hour thing, and proceed to do 115 which is more realistic for me to do, considering I'm working. I don't think my boss would be happy for me get up out of my seat every hour to prepare this in the office, nor would I feel comfortable letting people see me do the activation there. Also being questioned about what I am taking, it can be potentially problematic to explain it.
The following user(s) said Thank You: abusamra

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Herpes Protocol with CDS 23 Apr 2019 05:39 #60394

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You can use CDS with P115 and the Starting Procedure. Look at the chart in my version of the Starting Procedure and use the CDS dosages during the 4 days of the protocol. When done with that, then begin P115.

To follow the Starting Procedure, you might want to start Day 1 on Saturday, then Day 2 would be on Sunday. For the next two days, you could make up eight pre-mixed doses to take hourly at work. Those eight doses could be put into eight very small bottles; drink from each bottle hourly. If small mouth bottles, there would probably not be any CLO2 gas escaping to perfume your work space. :) See this article for more on this idea.

You could also use a larger bottle that will hold eight doses, but it would have to be a quart/liter bottle marked for eight 4 fl oz (120 ml) doses.
The following user(s) said Thank You: abusamra

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Last edit: by CLO2.

Herpes Protocol with CDS 31 May 2020 17:01 #64535

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Sou Andréa, do Brasil. Espero que compreenda aqui o português. Estou buscando ajudar a minha filha que se infectou com Herpes Genital. Fizemos o Protocolo 115 com mais força de 20 a 25 ml a cada 15 minutos. Mesmo assim ela teve um surto forte em 15 dias. Aqui voce diz que Humblet não aprova o 115. Fiz esse porque estava no testemunho de Ancient, embora a Herpes tenha voltado. Pode avaliar isso melhor? Acha que o CDH pode trazer mais beneficios para um virus tão dificil? Agradeço!

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Herpes Protocol with CDS 05 Jun 2020 10:09 #64623

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Hi CLO2 ..
So pre-made bottle of mms1 activated drops for the whole day will work just fine if it was filled in a narrow mouth bottle to avoid clo2 escaping?
It would work in emergencies if one can't make fresh doses ..!!

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Herpes Protocol with CDS 05 Jun 2020 17:55 #64626

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Yes, and Jim mentions that in his latest book. People have been dosing MMS1 from an all-day bottle for years and have successfully resolved their health issues.
The following user(s) said Thank You: abusamra

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