Thank you John,
(this is Looooong) sorry
First off thank you for all your help I truly appreciate it..

I actually would NOT count the first 2 weeks for one thing I missed many doses/drops during the first week and I was not taking it with DMSO, the most I was able to take was 1 to 2 activated drops for no more than 4 to 5 hours per day.
This is what I did since I got off the pills/ meds.
( I had been suffering of constant OBs, I had to ALWAYS take the meds in ordr not ot have an OB, I was under a lot of stree and only 6 hours of sleep or less, I had constant sinus, cold like, night sweats, lots of mucus on throat and sinus)
1st Sunday April 15th: virgin coconut oil 3 tbsp per day, 1/2 tbsp of kalonji black seed oil 2 xs per day (Every day I take 1000 mg of Lynsine and 2000mg vit D, 30mg Zinc, 1000mg C)
SIDE EFFECTS: tummy ache and heartburn
** I was scared to get off med as I did not want to get on OB.
4/16/12 I got a list of herbs from the store I continue the above regimen with a tea mixture of chaparral, poke root, lemon balm, self heal, yellow dock.
3 spoon of coconut oil, 3 times per day, and ½ spoon black seed oil per day with lemon juice /ate some blk seeds.
(Lets see if these really help the lymphatic system/ help in antiviral… I hope to God, Allah Buddha… To me they are ALL my same God just different names…loll xD)
4/17/12 blackseed oil with lemon juice, tbsp coconut oil, mixed tea in the morning nothing in the afternoon and night: tea, blk seeds Took valtrex*** as I feared an OB. I started feeling weird things crawling in my body and weird feeling in the genitals as if I had an OB, I checked there was nothing.
I didn’t eat so healthy as I ate pizza, and cranberry juice for cocktail
4/18/12- 4/19/12
Mixed tea, 2 x black seed oil 3x coconut oil I mixed it with the tea and honey.. Tastes better. I ate decently healthy with green salad 4/18 had small OB in mouth **felt genital discomfort pain like an ob
mixed teach, kalongi oil, coconut oil 2x per day… not really healthy eating yucca, steamed vegetables, have small OB in mouth
mixed tea , coconut oil and kalonji only 2X per day
4/20 Saturday we had subway bbq sandwich, not healthy
Sunday not healthy pasta with salad, Monday mildly spicy rice ( jambalaya) with sausage and corn, beans cooked with coconut Oil, side of broccoli and a small salad.
4/24- 4/28/12
Still taking black seed oil, coconut oil, mixed tea 2xs per day and same vitamins on 4/26 I had an OB in the mouth really bad, so I used 5 drops of mms and put it directly this made my skin burn, next day I drained the pus and put more mms. This helped. NOTE: (Third day 4/28 I had a small blister I did the same. But now I feel more blisters on the side of my mouth where I used the mms.)
I start the use of mms: (I kept taking coconut oil, black seed oil, tea, and supplements mentioned above)
4/29 I started with the mms, first 3 drops and so on did not do the total 8 hours
4/30 I did 3 drops, and kept increasing to 6 drops, OMG did I was in pain
5/1 woke up late did single drops just like 3 hours
5/2 did single drops about 8 hours ( have been having obs since May 1st) treating it with coconut oil and mms mostly in mouth.
5/3 did 2 drop dose kept forgetting, I mixed it for the full day ( I burned my throat It was really strong) but I managed to the all 16 drops not at its perspective hour as suppose to be.
May 4, 2012 I managed to take 3drops for 5hours, I started getting a rash I sprayed with mms (bottle) and a douche, very itchy and painful.
May 5, 2012 I woke up very late I had two eggs and crackers, soup or lunch I took 4 activated drops with dmso and 5 activated drops with dmso, I have a very painful OB, it started yesterday as a rash, itchy rash. It is now painful . the genitals obs are small 3 small painful. I used very strong mms with dmso applied it directly waited 3 minutes and then sprayed diluted mms on top of it. I feel tingles all over my body, and a bit dizzy. My heart feels a bit funny like short of breath and like coughing. I also feel like I have a chest cold, with runny nose and kind of a yeast infection. Today I took 5 doses, 4+, 4+, 5+, 4, 4 mms drops. (the + means with dmso).
(I did random douche throughout the week I did not write down)
Second Week: all with DMSO from here on (no more oils, or supplements, tea occasionally in the morning with breakfast or at night to sleep)
May 6th: 3 drops for 5 hours
May 7th: 3 drops 7 hours (did MMS Tub 25 activated drops no dmso, I felt lightheaded, heavy heart beating and shaky)
May 8th: 3 drops for 9 hours
May 9th : 3 drops 6 hours
May 10th: 3 drops 8 hours (loose bowel, nausea)
May 11th: 3 drops 5 hours (dizzy nausea)(swollen lymph runny nose)
May 12th: 3 drops 4 hours Sunday May 13th : 3 to 4 drops 5 hours (lymph getting better, runny nose)
Third week: start of New protocol consists of MMS1 and mms2 ¼ capsule, DMSO and CDS 6000ppm (no more vegetables or fruits, mainly grilled roasted chicken breast and some pork, lots of bread, carbonated water and regular water to drink no juice etc no milk ☹)
May 14th: 3 drops for 6 hours (Last hour 7 drops), 13 drops of CDS for 5 hours. (did a tub, no Herxheimer, Runny nose, feel tingly all over my body vaginal discomfort as if getting OB) Food: lots of bread pasta salad, grilled chicken breast
May 15: 3 drops for 6 hours (Last hour 8drops), 13 drops of CDS for 5 hours. (OB in the mouth**I used mms1 wt DMSO directly on sore and started to go down, vaginal discomfort, mildly dizzy) Food: cheese ham sandwich, bread roasted chicken same pasta salad, peeled pear.
Thank you.