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Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 01:32 #6583

  • Peter Mican
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A friend of mine was diagnosed with Cancer 4th stage about 6 month ago.
Lung cancer, tumor 4cm.
Two holes in the pelvic bones
6 Growth on here ovaries
6 brain tumors
45 metastases in the brain
skin cancer on here head
tumor on her neck bone
She takes 6 shots of a light chemo therapy and feeled very bad after that one.
She changed to a healthy diet, eat a lot of Sabah Snake Grass(which is well known for cancer treatment), cleaned out all Electro-Smog (which was extreme) from here house, cleaned out all the Asbestos-sealing from here house......

I treated here since 6 month with radiesthesie- and quantum healing methods, sanjeevini prayers, and we could reduce the lung tumor to half the size and here health comes back to almost normal.
Her neck pain from the tumor there diminished and she feeled so great to start working again.

One month ago I introduced her to MMS and she started to us it, Protocol 2000.
At first everything looked great and after adjusting to her doses she did fine.
She finally got to here 10 drop doses 10x / day (with prune juice) of MMS 1, 5 capsules MMS 2 and started to use DMSO and MMS 1 on her skin cancer on here head.
There was coming out a lot of mucus from her lungs, here intestines was cleaned out nicely, her skin cancer started to get smaller and we was very exited and thought that MMS will clean out here cancer cells quite well and fast.

About a week ago she started feeling very bad, could not eat anymore, loosed 15 kg in one week body weight and could not get near MMS anymore without vomiting.
So she stopped MMS.
She deteriorated rapidly and we all was very worried about here condition.
2 days ago she was almost unconscious, half of her body started to get paralyzed, half her face hang down, sliver has run out uncontrolled out of her mouth and she could not move anymore, extreme pain all over her body, especially in her head.
Everything looked that she got a stroke.
After reaching hospital the first diagnoses comes out: enormous brain swelling
After more checks it shows, that here brain tumors became much bigger and her metastases increased too.
This was it what causes the stroke like symptoms, the tumors pressing on some brain areas which causes this effect.

We both was shocked, because we did expect after taking MMS for 3 weeks the cancer cells and tumors should become lesser and not more.
The doctors suggest immediate surgery, chemo and intensive radiation of the brain.

So now we do not know how to proceed and my friend looses totally confidence in MMS.
I can understand that after this experience.
Before she started with MMS everything was reducing, slowly bud steadily and now in just one month her cancer has grown rapidly.

I suggested to here to continue with MMS but she does not trust it anymore.

Does anyone had experiences like that after using MMS ?
What treatment would you suggest in this case ?

Hemp oil is out of question here in Malaysia, we have a death penalty on drugs here.

I hope to get answers from the advanced users of MMS here in the forum to help my friend to survive.

Thank you very much for your help in advance
Bishop - D.MMS., - Uruguay


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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 02:20 #6587

  • Michael Harrah
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Hi Peter,

I just read your post about the friend with the cancer, how very sad. I am so sorry to hear that.

I have not heard of this happening but cancer is very tricky; I believe what you are saying and that it did happen.

I think every individual case is different and unique. You gave her the best advice you could and I would have done the same thing.

I don't know what you could advise at this point either, except trying to go back to what was working before.

The DMSO is extremely good for the brain and nervous system. Taking it by mouth might make the swelling go down, also applying it to the scalp maybe. I have been taking 2 teaspoon doses 4-5 times a day for many weeks now and it is helping my gut pain and chronic fatigue. Jim mentions on one of the course transcripts taking 1-2 teaspoons every hour for someone in a wheelchair with Multiple Sclerosis.

If I think of anything I will let you know. Again, you have been doing a great job helping her and could not know this would happen.

Many Blessings dear Brother,

Michael Harrah
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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 02:55 #6588

  • Peter Mican
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thank you very much for your reply.
She used DMSO on her skull and it worked great, the skin cancer reduced already.
As you said, cancer is very tricky and her body is full of it.
I feel that a big factor is also the environment around here, she has big problems with her two children's, they are very sick too and have problems with their teacher mistreating them, her father just passed away two month ago, has to take care of her old mother and she is separated from her husband.
All this is no help in her case, that's for sure.
She decided now to go for a herbal treatment up in the Thailand mountains and I fully agree with that decision.
This will hopefully calm down here mind and she can focus on healing her body.
I hope that she will continue with MMS, because time is running out fast.
I worry that the herbal treatment works too slow and there is not much time left.

So lets cross fingers that her situation changes back to normal and that she can recover from this disease.
If anything comes up in your mind what could help her please let me know.

Thanks again
Bishop - D.MMS., - Uruguay


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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 04:53 #6597

  • Michael Harrah
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I was just at Jim's site and saw this brain cancer testimonial right on the front page (www.jimhumble.biz/index.php?option=com_ninjamonials&view=display&id=103&Itemid=62):

Brain Tumors Gone!!!

Hello..thank you for the e-mails... I am so glad to have found out about the MMS when my brother had tumors in the brain nothing helped him... until he took the MMS...the drops saved his life.. I have informed myself quite a bit about MMS but would like to know more... Please send me the info of how to partake in the home course. thank for your most important work!!....all the best Margrit R.

Brain Tumors Gone!!! ( Brain Tumors Gone!!! )

You never know what is going to work for one person and not another. It is good that your friend at least is not doing the conventional therapies. I think she still has a fighting chance and Jim says to never give up on anyone. Says he has cured people that were only supposed to have minutes to live.

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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 05:18 #6599

  • Peter Mican
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thank you very much for your reply.
Yeah, every person reacts differently to treatments.
I also agree with the statement from Jim: never give up until it is over
I believe she still has a chance to fight this cancer off.
Just got the news from here that she has to go for surgery of her brain.
The tumors causing life threatening problems to her.
The second check from another doctor confirmed that the tumors and mets are growing bigger since the last check one month ago.
So after this operation we will see how she is doing and I hope that she is willing to continue with the MMS treatment.

Thanks again and have a nice day
Bishop - D.MMS., - Uruguay


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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 05:32 #6600

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Hi Peter,

Have you seen Rick Simpson's "Run From The Cure" video, the Rick Simpson Seminar video and Robert Melemede's videos and information on Cannabinoids and the human body? This is one herbal approach with not only massive "anecdotal" evidence, but also now more and more solid science behind it.

I tell all of the cancer patients I consult with about this approach. It not only acts directly against cancers in multiple ways, it also is palliative for many of the side effects of cancer, pain, generally improves energy levels, and improves appetite.

For an extreme case, I would definitely offer the sufferer information about this.

In health freedom,

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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 06:15 #6605

  • Nir
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I have no suggestion about your story , I'm new to MMS
but i have heard a lot about Maitake mushroom for Cancer treatment. it might be interesting for you to read about it.


you can look for more information on the Internet about it

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Last edit: by Nir.

Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 06:33 #6608

  • Peter Mican
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Hi Bruce,
thank you for your input.
I know about Rick Simpson and Cannabinoids and have studied all available information's in great detail.
There is absolutely no doubt that this hemp oil benefit cancer patient enormous, but here in Malaysia we have a death penalty on this kind of plants.
I researched already about obtaining a license for growing cannabis plants legally here, but there is absolutely NO way to get one.
If they found here 200 grams of cannabis in your place, you are a drug trafficker, which means you are hanged, they make a short process here.
I could not find a safe source which is selling high quality hemp oil on the internet, and Rick Simpson himself said the only save way to get high quality hemp oil is to produce it yourself.
This stuff grows everywhere here but I am afraid to tell this my friend, this could end here life abruptly.

It is really sad, that a plant like hemp is not allowed to grow and to use, this is the actual crime, not to allowing it and stopping using it.

Even if we could find a source of good hemp oil, the risk to import it here would be too great, they check every letter which comes in this country.
It is really madness, we know cures of terrible diseases and we have to watch that peoples dying and suffering because of total unlogical laws and a scrupulous medical standpoint.
But that it is the way it is and we cannot do much against it.

MMS gives us already a great tool in our hands and it works in most cases.

Thanks again and have a nice day
Bishop - D.MMS., - Uruguay


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Re: Cancer Cells grows after taking MMS ? 18 Oct 2011 06:38 #6609

  • Peter Mican
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Hi Nir,
Thanks for your input too.
I think my friend is taking this mushrooms already and the good health effects are well known here in Asia.
Will check that out.
Have a nice day
Bishop - D.MMS., - Uruguay


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