My dear Friends,
I like to announce here my new web-site and also like to invite all forum members and visitors to contribute good and interesting content, testimonials, articles and information's for my site.
This site is registered on a save server where nobody will have access or will ever get a chance to pull my site down.
This was very important for me, because the more insider information's we put on this site the more attraction it will get from our "good friends", Governments, Pharmacy-Giants and from the Medical Syndicate.
You can publish on my site in your name, I will take care of the technical stuff and you can save the hassles to maintain your own web-site.
My goal is to put up an informative site and platform for our mission, which will cover everything about healing peoples and pushing the mission of Genesis II Church forward.
When we all put our heads together we can archive a momentum which really can change the world for a better one, and that very soon.
As everyone noticed already, a BIG change in consciousness for humans on this planet is coming and this time we must make sure not missing the train
Now it is time to push forward and let it happen.
Please help me also to spread the news about my web-site so that we get as much information's as possible.
It will be a win win situation for everyone and together we can generate a strong movement.
One more thought:
I like to run this site as an informative platform, NOT commercial at all !!!!
Please don't offer content with loads of outside links for businesses and UN-relevant sites !
So please take the time to have a look at my site and hopefully great content will arrive soon at my door steps
Thank you all for your time reading this post and wish you all a great day