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bad blood results. 20 Dec 2012 14:20 #28393

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Ruzica, I've recently had two relatives get cancer and both under went radiation / chemo - from what I saw of them I personally wouldn't touch either. One relative died within 3 weeks of starting standard treatment. All of this was before I'd ever heard of MMS.

Based on what you've said it seems to me like you're almost doing too much MMS.

There is a balance in life to everything and too much of anything isn't good for you. Based on what you've said it sounds to me like you take too much.

One thing I would recommend looking into is the Amino Acid L Glutamine - very cheap and very easy to get hold of - supermarkets sell it and Body Building Stores Sell it and you can buy easily online or on eBay.



I personally have taken Glutamine Powder and can tell you it has helped me so much with stomach problems, cleared my sinuses, made my eyes less dry, etc And it worked very quickly - I saw difference within 48 hours and have recommended it to at least 6 people that tried it and noticed huge increases in energy youngest was about 25 and oldest about 70, all saw benefits within days. Get the Powdered version that is 100% pure with nothing mixed and drink with water.

Also I have seen many videos online discussing Bitter Almonds, Apple Seeds, etc and Vitamin B17 being a possible treatment for caner - I have no idea how true it is but worth investigating on YouTube all of the many videos.

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bad blood results. 20 Dec 2012 14:42 #28395

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6 drops an hour, 8 hours a day is not "too much" MMS, Archer. Traditionally, for protocol 2000, it would be up to 10-12 drops an hour for 10 hours a day.

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bad blood results. 20 Dec 2012 23:18 #28417

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6 drops an hour, 8 hours a day is not "too much" MMS, Archer. Traditionally, for protocol 2000, it would be up to 10-12 drops an hour for 10 hours a day.

Pam to quote yourself in your 2nd post on this thread if she's having so much that she gets diarrhea then isn't that took much? ... I going by the feed back she's giving us that she's having problems with diarrhea and vomiting .. isn't the golden rule if you feel unwell from MMS to have less? 10 to 12 drops might be fine for other people but from her own words it sound like it's too much for her right now?

If I'm reading right, you're taking the regular MMS plus 7 drops per hour of the CDS? How many activated drops of MMS? Or is it 7 drops of MMS per hour, 8x a day, and then additional CDS? Or did you mean DMSO?

I can understand taking the smaller dose of MMS2 - if you have diarrhea all day, it's got to be using energy that can go to healing.


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bad blood results. 21 Dec 2012 00:04 #28421

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Yes, you are right. However, the too much doesn't mean too much forever, and there are other ways of getting MMS into the body. (that was what I was referring to). I took your post to mean that she should not be doing MMS but should be doing L-glutamine instead. Possibly you were saying she should be taking L-glutamine in addition?

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Last edit: by pam.

bad blood results. 21 Dec 2012 06:53 #28433

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Ruzica, please reply!
Tell us how is your health!

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bad blood results. 25 Dec 2012 16:52 #28601

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Ruzica, please I have a question for you!
My aunt also has colon cancer.

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bad blood results. 28 Dec 2012 07:29 #28671

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If anyone has contacts with Ružico to write something on the forum please!

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