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DMSO and MMS? 11 Aug 2013 22:13 #35224

  • dreadwork
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i always make 48 drops of activated mms for the whole day dissolved in 1 litre. and then i add dmso to every single those i take during the day ( that 1 litre is for 10 hours ). But what exactly is this " activated mms " term, i mean if i add 48 drops of sodium chlorite + 48 drops of CA activator, so i must add 48 drops of DMSO ( partialy offcourse to every single dose ) during the day or it must be 48 x 2 ?. mms is just mms how can it be " activated ". mms is reduced sodium chlorite. so i am just little or at least was confused by that. So i add for every sodium chlorite drop 1 drop of DMSO regardless of the ca added to the mixture in general ... But i add dmso to already made mms diluted in water. Before i was adding DMSO to the MMS i was taking about 8-10 drops per hour through the day ( protocol 2000 ) . Now i had to reduce it to 4 drops per hour cause i dunno but it seems mms got a lot on efficienty or power cause more drops coused me diarheaous :P So i am noticing evidential improvement. My DMSO is " pure for analysis " whatever that means :)
And i am just now making another experiment with dmso because i heard that a good way of suplementing minerals and vitamins is mixing them with dmso and spraying on skin . Especially this method is effective for magnesium. I have mixed 1000mg of magnesium carbonate with 50/50 water dmso in couple of mililitres and we shall see what will happen :P

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