Today is Day 12. I have lost 10lbs and am missing food. lol
I have been eating mostly chicken, halibut, salmon, ground turkey, eggs, quinoa and brown rice. I have had some veges here and there and have not had any fruit since day 1 besides an apple or 2. I am learning that it is key to not consume sugar or gluten which feeds the virus and cancels out the MMS (of course no Vit c or caffine either). Actually i thinks it best to just starve the virus all together but you have to maintain energy in order for your immune system to do its job. So I have been doing the best I can to eat small portions in between doses.
I read in one of John D's posts that its best to switch doses between MMS and CDS. I started doing that on Day 10 (5 drops with 10 DMSO) and noticed nausea after 2 MMS doses. I continued with CDS the rest of the day and finished with 2 more MMS doses at night (no nausea). Day 11 I started my first dose with MMS and felt nausea again, continued with CDS all day then finished with 3 consecutive MMS doses (5 drops, then 6, then 7) and did not have any nausea. For me anyway it appears that I can take MMS at night without the nausea. Maybe since food is already in my system from the day? seems sensible. I will try to incorporate as many MMS alternating doses as possible without making myself sick.
Day 9 I noticed 2 painful and itchy small bumps around my anus. I assumed this was the onset of an outbreak and began applying the 20MMS/20CA/1tblDMSO mix (which i was applying to my spine) directly to the anus. I actually dipped a q-tip in the solution and inserted the top of the q-tip. I felt just as much stinging as when putting it on my spine but I was able to stand it and the stinging eventually subsided. The next day I did the same thing morning and night and by Day 11, no bumps, no itching and no pain. However Day 11 I noticed swollen lymph nodes in my groin area (lower abdomen). About 6-7 small ball-like bumps right under my skin. One of the bumps was painful to the touch. After reading further about Herpes I discovered swollen glands are part of the symptoms.
I'm wondering why the MMS/CDS causes outbreaks? Does that mean that its working? If the MMS is killing the virus why does this happen? Any thoughts/similar experiences????