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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 16:40 #21381

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Hi MO and maryellen. I'm sorry to but in but just a kind note to tell you MO we are all supportive here. There will be some skeptics and yes I agree thats the last thing I NEED also. I want to live. I should of thought of thta when I was smoking and didn't listen to my children and friends to quit smoking. I have myself to blame for my illness now. Don't feel less of yourself just because you have this disease. Pam and Michael may be able to help you on this. I am working closely with Pam and she is my angel :) If it wasnt for her I wou;ld of just sat back and waitied for my time to come which want very long trust me. SHe doesnt have any idea how she has saved me :) so hang in there . Believe in getting better. Keep us posted. I widh more people would psot more like this. their fears and what they are going thru. it gives people a better understanding of what they are going thru and may be able to relate. GOd Bless MO ...
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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 16:49 #21383

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hello Megg thanks so much for the kind and uplifting words... It's been a long 19 days of knowing I'm living with this horrible sickness but I'm sure with you guys cheering me on I can and will get better... As for u butting in, I rather the more and merry than the few and plenty-less... So whenever you see me on please post letting me know I have support as I will do the same... You guys are in my prayers Megg and Maryellen and I'm truly grateful that I signed up to this site... Well off to a wonderful journey with this new solutin I have found and God bless us all

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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 17:02 #21385

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I am here alot. I like to read some of these stories that others are telling but mosty I like to help others if it means moral support. I hate to see people suffering and I knew there are people worse off than us but you know you have what you ahve and I have waht I have and we are all in the same boat we all want to live. If you didnt want to live then you would of let this disease take its course and let yourself die but instead the good Lord pointed you here. I stumbled on this by accident too back in July in believe. I had my last visit with my pulminary dr and he said that im in the last stage of copd and that this is the end of the line for me. i came home and searched the internet for natural cures for stuff and jim humbles link popped up. and here i am. I'm still alive :) .... My problem is I like to talk. If I had my way I would be responding to every1 encouraging them to hang in there and keep us posted but I dont want to be a pest hehe... Please keep us posted. When is your next test. or do you not plan on going for another one?
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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 17:13 #21388

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Well, your daughter is certainly getting a valuable, first-hand education.
It might help her in making wise, personal, future adult deciisions.

Things like this helps young people see that indeed, bad things very well CAN happen to good people.

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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 17:28 #21394

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Well pest away with me because I need the support trust me.. I also stumbled acrossed this by accident.. I was looking for a better solution for my sickness and here I am.. I normally get tested every 6mths so July 24th, 2012 was my 6mths check- up.. I really don't know when I should get another exam done because had I not gotten the bad news my next appointment would have been in January... I have read some saying wait 30 days some saying wait 60 days some even said wait 90 days so honestly I don't know when is a good time for me to get re- tested... I wish I could go today and be negative but that's called wishful thinking plus I've only used the solution for 3 days now and only have 55 total drops in me... But most definitely I will keep all posted on my outcome and my situation
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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 17:31 #21397

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Yes I told her that the other day this is a lesson well learned by myself as well as her... It's like whatever I go through she's right there going through it with me... I thank God he has blessed me with her, she is definitely a blessing in disguise...

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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 18:08 #21400

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If they love you they will understand. Things like this happen to good and bad people whether you are careful or not. Sex doesnt cross my mind anymore. so Im not worried about getting it that way and as for getting it from people I dont go out ...so if I am going to get anything it will be from my hubby or my son which I know are healthy. These kids no a days think that it will never happen to them and they think they know what they are doing. WRONG. it CAN happen to them just ONE time is all it takes. How old is your daughter? But hang in there. I am very impatient but I know that in the long run something will happen. If im not here im on facebook alot. thats where you will find me :)

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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 18:52 #21406

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Hi M.O,

Thank you for posting...I found out a week ago today that I have HSV2. I was devastated. After not wanting to accept the life sentence my doctor gave me I began researching online. After almost 20 hours of reading and watching videos I purchased MMS, CA and DMSO. I began my first dose this morning at 9am and have been taking each hour since. I started off with one drop (for the first 2 hours) then increased to 2 drops. I made CDS by mixing the MMS and CA in a bottle then blowing the gas into another bottle with water. I am following protocol 1000+. I do not feel sick at all and plan to continue increasing the drops with each dose.

Are you following protocol 1000? How many drops are you taking and how often?

Again thank you for posting and making me feel like I'm not alone.

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Re: July 30th, 2012 Was The Worse Day Ever In My Life!!!!!!!!! 17 Aug 2012 21:13 #21416

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Hi Liz and welcome to the forum :) As long as you keep coming here you are not alone:) I don't take MMS & CA alone I have to make CDS or I will be sick. I tried MMS alone and it was making me real sick to my stomach. As for the drops that I take of CDS well I can't really answer that. I will ask Pam when she comes on line how many drops I am taking. All I know is with CDS the gasses that are in there are from 12 MMS and 12 citric acid i am drinking a only 32 oz a day consisting of 6oz per hr. I will increase the water intake but I want to be sure that this much of the CDS is working. Keep us posted on your progress and how you are doing :) God Bless and good luck ....


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