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Re: Book vs. Home Study Course 08 Aug 2012 18:04 #20989

  • ZoRay
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Therse days rather than injest MMS I use the DMSO protocol to move MMS into my body thru my skin.
I do about 50 drops at a time now.
Or I have made CDS and used CDS and DMSO to move MMS into my body.
It is my opinion that you need not stick to any particular protocol.... that what's important is that activated MMS ClO2 is moved into your body somehow and the more the better as long as you don't get an adverse reaction.
So capsules, MMS2, DMSO, CDS are all ways of introducing the very same chemicals your immune system uses to eliminate disease into your body.

to the critics...By stating that It is my opinion that one not need stick to any one protocol does NOT open me up for criticism. It is MY opinion, MY experience, MY success and if you feel you need to stick to one particular protocol, go ahead, feel free. I am just stating that the objective here is to achieve health and well being and that this can be obtained using any particular protocol in any order, at any strength as determined by YOU.
Yes, I know this goes against the ABC method JH outlines in his GUIDE to Health and well being. But simply follow the golden (MMS) rule. If it makes you sick, back off. If not push on, heal!

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Re: Book vs. Home Study Course 08 Aug 2012 18:16 #20990

  • ZoRay
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Hi Steve.
Thanks for the reply.
I wasn't saying the test was Easy in so much as saying that if one studied the materials available that once ready to take the test or buy the course that it would be easier to successfully pass the test.
I had and have been healing others w/o the certification for over 3 years and as I need to know I search their condition with MMS in a Google search bar. I now try and refer all to this forum and try and find my answers here first however there is LOTS of good MMS info available to those who seek it. Since being encouraged by others to take the course and get certified I can start my own healing centre I bought the kit and intend to get certified. At same time I am reluctant to start a healing centre as I do not wish to help any dik cheneys plus I am vulnerable to pursuit should I set up shop anywhere. As is I travel and meet folks helping as I go. I do not even include contact info on my search card info.
I know of people who have been harassed for sharing this GOOD info and I am not interested in the harassment. Had hoped being certified by Genesis would help me manage harassment as I live in North America where vested interests are in play BIG time.
I suspect the test asks questions about all kinds of conditions and protocols, many conditions I have not successfully treated but I have treated Herpes, Hep, Cancer, Lyme and diabetes and more successfully w/o certification and feel the hands on experience will help me gain certification when I am ready to be ticketed.

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Re: Book vs. Home Study Course 08 Aug 2012 18:43 #20991

  • ZoRay
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ZoRay, man, the tick bite was a hell of a stroke of bad luck, i literally made the "oooh" wince when I read it.

I don't have the understanding of the emotional side of a disease like this.

Had I not suffered for over 40 years I would not have the desire to help I do now. Being sick so long and then getting a life after 40+ years would not have inspired me to help had it not been that way. So after suffering so long, I am actually grateful for the suffering as now I can help, in a real way. Had I had a "normal" life who knows what kind of a skeptic I mighta been....
I admit I was skeptical in 08 but went to Youtube where I saw thousands of people who were not paid actors telling their stories of being healed from colds to Cancer. So I went back to the website and bought MMS that Sunday night. By Thursday I was worried I was going to die before it arrived but Friday it did and on Monday I could breathe thru my right nostril for 1st time in 15 years. I began to notice a change in my breathing in 20 minutes after 1st drop.
It was a "Miracle" and now I'd like to be a certified Master (mineral solution) Healer

I initially contracted Lyme bacteria froma deer tail my father gave me as a child circa 1965. While I knew I had the symptoms of Lyme it was not until the 2nd contraction that I was able to determine my condition was indeed Lyme.
Sometimes life has a backwards way of teaching us our purpose.
I now know mine.


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