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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 02 Sep 2012 21:50 #22424

  • Evanir
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You said it KJ, I am on cloud 9!

I am praying that it will do miracles for you and Megg very soon.

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 15:37 #22457

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First off..I want to welcome all the new people to this forum!! Good luck in your journey along with us :) WTG EVIANIR!! about the prednisone. I HATE that stuff...leaves a nasty taste in the back of my throat all day long lol anyways.. Just letting you all know that I am on day 2 of 2 grains of mms2 in the capsule. tomorrow will be 3 grains. for a few days. I also started a double dose of CDS instead of me mixing 12 drops of each to make my CDS I am doing 24 drops each. I just got done drinking my first 4oz of CDS and found it very harsh on my throat so I added some distilled water to it to take the burn out. Pam home much MMS1 do you think I ma getting now at 24 drops ? it was at 5 drops at 12... I also had asked this one question before but no one answered me. SInce taking this I had been extremely tired. want to take naps and sleep all day long ..I will dose at my desk and cant be helped. is it the CDS? I find it more so after I drink it and I also get majorly hungry after my first dfose of CDS and then im hungry alot after that which is a good thing for me. Might take me longer to finish my protocol but I have to eat lol. I am maintaining my weight at 83.4 lbs which is really good for me. I usually drop alot by now. its been flip flopping from 84 to 83 and back. as long as it doesnt go down ...:)

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 16:36 #22461

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You will be at 6 drops now (remember, you're drinking less of the CDS, even if it is stronger) - if it's burning a bit in the back of the throat - just take some more water.

I don't know what the tired is - fatigue is sometimes a sign of a herx reaction - and it could be that, or it could be that your body is working so hard to heal that it's making you tired. We do our best healing when we sleep.


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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 17:03 #22465

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Yes this is what I was thinking too that its healing so in turn its making me so tired from fighting to heal..makes sense. I wish someone else would collaberate on this to see if there are others that are experiencing this too. If its ok with you I am going to start another topic about this ok>..yes I have added a little more water to each dose ty :)

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 17:21 #22470

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Hi Megg,

I am increasing my dosage of MMS1 and 2 right now and I'm tired too. Yesterday was a bigger jump in drops for me, and I was very tired...

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 17:21 #22471

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ps -- Yay on the 6 drops!

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 18:09 #22474

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ok well then its NOT just me. Hope this is the part of the healing. I cant deal with this :) I like to sleep lol but confined to my desk at the moment. No one is here to walk me to the couch. i have to be watched when I walk sometimes i get unsteady but im getting stronger :) singing the song " HIGH HOPES " no naps fr you KJ ?? lol ..this is good all the way around :) good luck on your increased in drops i went up ONE drop :) :) :)

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 03 Sep 2012 23:04 #22494

  • KJ
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Oh yes, definitely naps!

I hope you have a really comfy chair at your desk. Hugs to you, Megg. I remember times when my asthma was so bad I couldn't lay down to sleep or my lungs would close up. I learned how to sit up and rest my cheek on a stack of pillows in my lap. At least you're moving up your dosages steadily. Evanir and I have both had good results and we're both breathing so much better now that we're on the MMS protocols. Hang in there. With the expert help you're receiving, from the MMS products and from Pam, it's gotta be only a matter of time till it works for you too, right?

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Re: Severe COPD-Heart-Thyroid and a few more... 04 Sep 2012 14:50 #22532

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LOL Yes I Have a comfortable chair at my desk but I have my feet propped up and I lay a roll of toilet paper flat and use it as a pillow lol and lay my head down. so I am still kind of sitting up. yes when I go to sellp at night i have to basically sleep sitting up or i am gasping for air. I am STILL on 3 liters of OXYGEN 24/7.... I want off of it so bad!! YEs with all the help im getting im sure I cant go wrong. if it doesnt kill one thing it could possible getting rid of something else i my body. I think its time for a nap lol thanks for all your support and kind words it helps me get thru the day and kinda down days... :)

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