hello all
this is the first "active" mms forum i have come across since i first discovered mms a year ago, i have hepatitis c from 1994. Since 2006 I have been very symptomatic, my last ultrasound revealed lesions so i had a CT scan which revealed focal fatty infiltration; looking this up on google i found this to be fatty liver. I often feel a lot of discomfort from the liver downwards, just above the hip on same side i get really annoying twisting/tight feeling all the time.
i purchased some mms from mmseurope a while back (the type that only requires 20secs to activate) , I have dipped my toe in just taking very small amounts building up to 4 drops 3/4 times a day but stopped due to fear, last week i started taking mms (mms1) again, started with 3 drops twice daily, day 2, 3 x 3, day 3, 4 x 3, day 4 , 2 x 4, 30mins after taking the second 4 drops (at 12.30) my head felt very tight on both sides coupled with feeling light headed, this got worse as time went on so at 15.00 i took some vit c, juiced a couple of lemons, drank a coffee, the head stuff started wearing off, by the next morning (today) my head feels normal (huh!) again.
I did notice most off my discomfort i usually have disappeared while taking the mms, my head was saying the placebo effect! Any constructive feedback would be appreciated as I am new to mms but not to life
(im 50)