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Re: the little things 06 Jul 2012 08:07 #19538

  • sharon
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I agree with everyone! Yes,I would feel the same as trueblue,but also agree that maybe there have been few or no replies as people are caught up with other things etc,but would still appreciate SOME acknowledgement,Ive noticed it too,thats why I havent posted for a while.And the fact that one person is suffering with only one issue compared to many and the single issue gets more attention would kind of annoy me too,but if you are anything like me,its what you expect in life,you may accept it,but it still grates on you at times!

I havent read hardly anything about mms,I cant! My brain is sooooo mushy I just cant take anything in and understand it and apart from not having the funds to buy any books,whats the point,my brain is like a sieve!

I also feel better helping an animal,aren't they just soooo much more appreciative?! The unconditional love from an animal and affection is so warming,I love animals so much,but people are a whole other ball game.Yes there are some nice,genuine people out there,but on a planet VASTLY overpopulated,there aren't many nice ones:(

I too am a giver,always have been.I LOVE giving gifts,it makes me feel warm and toasty and I have a great need to feel needed and wanted,but my family drive me crazy!!! I have soooo many health issues to deal with and am trying to deal with my husbands health and 2 kids too and they WON'T use MMS at all,but that's their choice.I feel quite used by them and drained by my efforts and how they are thrown in my face and I have to live with these people everyday and watch them feel so ill,which has an effect on my health!

I get frowns from everyone for using mms,as if I'm poisoning my body,but I know different.My daughter knows its good,as she is studying chemistry etc,but still wont use it.She says she is not going to drink any "swimming pool water" and says she doesnt know how I can!Lol!

I really do feel its doing me good,but I have such a long way to go and I feel so ill and quite honestly,I dont really know what I am doing,or if I'm doing it right! Sometimes I feel,maybe if I poop out a cancerous tumour then people will say "whoh,thats good stuff!" but the likelihood is,they STILL wont believe its the mms!

Congrats on getting to where you are trueblue,it really is brilliant and to have come so far from where you were.I'm sorry I wasn't on the forum to read your posts earlier,but yes,I was one of those caught up with other stuff [not getting on with husband at all] and kinda felt like my posts weren't being heard either,but maybe I will be more persistant now too and try not to feel guilty about it;)

Best wishes sharon
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Re: the little things 06 Jul 2012 12:10 #19547

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I agree with Pam. Don't take things so personally. Yes, it would be nice if someone (just anyone) responds to our posts. However, we all have to respect that people have their own lives, responsibilities and commitments to themselves and their families and CANNOT respond when you expect them to. Think about it, the only people who demand and expect to have things their way and get emotional when they can't get their way are 2-3 year olds and teenagers.

I understand that life can be difficult at time but as mature and responsible adults we need to learn to manage our emotions. I also understand that doing so can be difficult when faced with so many adversities of life.

If you should find yourself in a position when this becomes difficult and/or you need to talk to someone to 'off-load' then there are numerous of charitable organizations where you can talk about your personal problems in confidence. I have had my share of problems in life and I turned to the church which is comical as I not religious, far from it, but an atheist. I just needed to talk to someone and I knew the father at the catholic church would listened when I poured out my heart in absolute confidence.

I have made post and not a god-damn soul responded, but I didn't take it personal though it pisses me off when people are here talking about their pets and whatever animal they seem to care about. Do I take it personal when post about animal get more feedback, of course not?

It is also, in my opinion, small minded to think our problems are bigger and more important than the problems of others OR our multitude of health conditions supersede over the single health problem of another.

Sometimes life is a bitter pill to swallow and we may not get what we want BUT we must refrain from insulting others because we are frustrated with an outcome or lack of.

I'm not here to trivialize your existence, your pain or suffering but as an individual you, I or whoever are merely 1 of 7 billion people on this planet.

We all have our own problems to contend to; it's called L-I-F-E
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