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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 04 Jun 2012 18:25 #18259

  • sharon
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Kay,thankyou so much for your posts,I really appreciate them.

Please forgive my ignorance,but what is CDS and MMS2? I've tried looking them up and unless I'm looking in the wrong place,I don't know what they are.I know MMS2 is an MMS protocol,but what does it entail and I dont know what CDS is,is it different from MMS?

I will do anything to feel better,anything,even doing more cleanses,if I know its going to give me the desired end result,but boy,do they make me feel ill!

I am 45 and have been ill for virtually all of my life and feel like,what I can only describe as a very loaded rubbish bag,left in the sun and never cleaned out!Lol! I was so ill as a child,that I was constantly taking antibiotics for years and we all know what they do to you. I also had 7 mercury fillings as a child,had a reaction to them and had abcesses in all of them,had all 7 teeth removed [milk teeth] and the dentist carried on putting mercury fillings in my teeth for years! I ended up with a good 12 mercury fillings and had them removed several years ago,but too little too late I guess,because I felt no relief from having the mercury removed:(

I started puberty at 10-11 years old and very big problems from day one,I subsequently was put on the birth control pill at 12 years old to try to control them,it didnt work and many procedures etc later,still no better.I have lost my education and life because of so many health issues from such a young age,I was very academic both in physical agility and mental agility and feel like a complete failure.I feel soooo toxic,mentally and physically and just want an end to all this and maybe I can have a little bit of life. Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 04 Jun 2012 19:25 #18261

  • alfernandes
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Please forgive my ignorance,but what is CDS and MMS2? I've tried looking them up and unless I'm looking in the wrong place,I don't know what they are. I know MMS2 is an MMS protocol,but what does it entail and I dont know what CDS is,is it different from MMS?

but what is CDS and MMS2?

Answer: It is a new way of using MMS(Gas infusion in distilled water) developed for Andreas Kalcker CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) = MMS + Citric Acid 50%.

Answer: MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite in powder form in size zero gel capsules.

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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 04 Jun 2012 20:03 #18263

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Sharon does not have to be expensive and invasive treatments regarding Diabetes:

1. What you need to do is take control of your health.
2. Buy a good book on Diabetes.
3. Water is used without fluorine, chlorine or other chemical changes to a healthy water.
4. And try they will use up whole foods (breads, pasta, beans etc..) or organic foods.
5. Do not use sugar and alcoholic beverages [beer, coca cola, pepsi and others].
6. Doing a detox.

BelowBelow is an excerpt from the book The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium

For diabetes, follow Protocol 1000 described in Chapter 13.
Sometimes diabetes is easy to overcome and sometimes not. The
ease of recovery is not determined by whether it is type 1 or type 2.
As you know, diabetes is caused by inflammation of the pancreas.
No doubt there are a number of different pathogens that inflame the
pancreas, and some are easier to handle than others. Also there are
many reasons why the pancreas might be inflamed or not working
Many times, after a couple of weeks of MMS, the pancreas is alright
and the diabetes is gone. But sometimes things are more complex.
When the diabetes does not clear up in a couple of weeks, you should
continue with Protocol 1000. If it does not clear up in 4 weeks, go
to Protocol 2000 and continue until you are healed. Occasionally,
people have told me that it took 3 months to clear up their diabetes.
However that is rare.
So the three scenarios for diabetes are:
1. It clears up in 4 or 5 days, which happens in about 10% of
2. It clears up in less than 4 weeks, which happens in about
80% of cases
3. It takes as long as 3 months to clear up, which happens in
about 10% of cases

I assume that when something else in the body is causing the
pancreas to be inflamed, that‘s when it takes as long as 3 months to
clear up. Once you have cleared up the diabetes, most of the virus,
bacteria, mold, and yeast loads will be gone from your body and
it will be clean. You can then focus on good nutrition, rather than
on not feeding the microorganism load. Just keep taking MMS at a
reduced level. You should be using good nutrition (eating well) all
the time you are on Protocol 1000 or 2000 but add no vitamins or
minerals or other nutritional supplements until you are well.
Of course, there are no guarantees, but many people have stated
that after following this procedure, they are back to normal. Your
body will then be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and
many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time.
You should feel better as time goes by. Do continue taking the MMS
maintenance dose described in Chapter 13 on Protocols.

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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 05 Jun 2012 11:00 #18285

  • sharon
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Hi alfernandes,

I believe I am taking control of my health,or the best I can and I do have a book ob diabetes,but my brain is so poorly functioning,I cant understand it,it stresses me out [adrenal issues] and cant absorb what I'm reading.Probably why I get so confused on this forum too.
I do use a water filter,but its not very good and cant afford a whole filter system that filters your whole supply of water to your house.
Breads,pasta and beans raise my blood sugar a lot,so I dont eat them,but only have bread in small amounts and organic is just too expensive.
I very rarely have anything with sugar in it and never touch alcohol or fizzy drinks.
Detoxing is not good for me as I have adrenal issues and a detox would lower my cortisol levels,which I need to get to a good level,in order to treat my thyroid condition.

I have been taking mms-protocol 1000 for over 3 months and my blood sugars havent got better,in fact they are worse,so the mms is obviously having no effect whatsoever on my diabetes.

I would love to buy a Jim Humble book,but cant afford it at the moment.I wouldnt absorb the information anyway at the moment. Perhaps it would be better for me to try raising my mms by 1 drop a day until I reach the maximum of 10 drops an hour? Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 05 Jun 2012 11:02 #18286

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Hi alfernandes,

If I did decide to take CDS and MMS2,do you know where I can purchase them? Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 05 Jun 2012 11:55 #18288

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This list that I sent you is very extensive, depending on the place that you live, if the U.S.A, I recommend buying the Bishop Michael Harrah, I bought my kit MMS with him because I am from Brazil and I can not find it here. He sells both the CDS and the MMS2 ready or to prepare yourself.

Link of webpage of Bishop Michael Harrah


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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 05 Jun 2012 12:23 #18289

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Plus informations over ADRENAL PROBLEMS, maybe you can help.


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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 06 Jun 2012 08:37 #18337

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Thanks for the link alfernandes,unfotunately,my cortisol levels are so low I am taking hydrocortisone and have been for nearly 2 years. I am a member of an adrenal forum and its been really helpful,helpful for my thyroid/hormonal issues,diabetes and vitamin and mineral defficiencies too. I just wish I could feel I am getting somewhere with so many issues,but I have been ill for so long,its a long road to better health I guess.Thankyou kindly.

Best wishes sharon

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Re: Why are my blood sugars going up? 06 Jun 2012 08:57 #18338

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Thanks again alfernandes,the links are very helpful.They are not expensive products,but a bit too much for me at the moment,money is such an issue.

I thought maybe raising my mms by 1 drop everyday might be beneficial at the moment,until I can afford to buy mms2 and dmso. Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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