I had perfect vision until about 55 yrs old, then noticed I began to have a little blurriness needing reading glasses on occasion for close up but then, started noticing my long distance vision became slightly blurry as well. As several people mentioned, eyesight can be improved but the long distance blurry vision was coming from the start of cataracts.
Even though cataract surgery is typical, especially here in sunny Arizona, (cataracts are made worse from UV light) I have been searching for ways to prevent them and possibly reverse them, since they are very "slow to progress" as the optometrist told me about 5 yrs ago.She suggested always wearing sunglasses when outside.
I have been recently using MSM drops with Vit C that I bought online on Amazon. They are very soothing and from what I've read, MSM can reverse early onset cataracts. In addition, I only wear reading glasses when I absolutely have to. I try to read without them whenever possible. It's like any other kind of exercise... use it or lose it. I think the MSM solution is helping my eyesight.
I'm sure you can mix up your own as well, but I wanted to try something people had been using with success. I'm also planning on using it with my aging dog with visible cataracts.