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Re: Dupuytrens Disease/Dupuytrens Contracture - both hands 03 May 2012 00:13 #16695

  • jmak430
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For some reason, my questions did not come up as "new" for anyone to view and respond... so I am resubmitting them in the hopes that it takes this time! Thank you!

Thanks to each of you for your input!

About the "smash it up" water suggestion: I have a water ozonator machine; would this be the same thing as the "smash it up" theory? I know I had tons of energy when I was drinking the Ozone water! But I am cautious because the absorption rates seems to be intensified and concerned that I may react to that due to the sensitivity to medicines I have. Thus, I need to be very careful in mixing things as results always seem to be exacerbated for me (not in a good way; catatonic at times). Right now, I am experiencing fatique with Protocol 1000 (3 drops per hr for 8 hrs daily/presently on day 11) and wondering if I should add DSMO to this protocol 1000?

Also, I have taken MMS baths with 40 drops so far (I worked my way up to that), should I consider adding DMSO to the bath? If so, should I use the same amount of drops as MMS? OR should I drop back on the amount of MMS when adding the DMSO?

Again, I appreciate any and all feedback!

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Re: Dupuytrens Disease/Dupuytrens Contracture - both hands 03 May 2012 09:55 #16726

  • kevink
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Hi Jmak

To explain 'smashing up the water' - the H2O molecules bind themselves together to form chains if they sit still, ie instead of individual molecules of HHO HHO etc, they become a string of HHOHHOHHOHHO etc. The cells of the body cannot absorb these chains so no matter how much you drink you just pee it out and do not become hydrated.

Shake it up if it's in a bottle, or pour it from glass to glass a few times & make it splash as you do, or at least swish it in your mouth before swallowing.

Plain, clean, filtered water is best. I prefer distilled or R.O. water but filtered through charcoal & ceramic is also good.

Fatigue with protocol 1000 is a sign your body healing, I'd be tempted to stay with that for a while longer but if you feel up to it by all means go to 1000+ & see how you feel.

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Re: Dupuytrens Disease/Contracture - More questions please! 09 May 2012 13:27 #17019

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Hello! Thank you for the valuable information! It appears that the hardness of the connective tissues in the palms of my hands are softening up but not yet gone (so far)!
I have done Protocol 1000 for 24 straight days (only for 8 hrs each day though). This will be day 25 and I would like to do Protocol 1000+ and incorporate the DMSO into the mixture. Am I able to just start doing this right away or should I allow a break in between (and if so, how long of a break, hours, days, or weeks)? Should I only start for 8 hours and perhaps add another hour each day? And if I injest DMSO into the MMS mixture; am I still able to put it on my hands externally?

Also, I mainly eat organic fruits, vegetables, & nuts. Is it alright to eat oranges and grapefruits while doing the protocols? I recently read NOT to eat oranges during the Protocols and now wonder if I hindered my recovery any since I was eating organic oranges at times during P 1000 in the past 24 days. Also, if I am to avoid them, do I avoid them entirely or just during the hourly doses period during the day?

I thank you in advance for your valuable feedback!
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Last edit: by jmak430. Reason: did not come up as "new" post

Re: Dupuytrens Disease/Dupuytrens Contracture - both hands 09 May 2012 14:58 #17024

  • pam
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You can add the DMSO with no problem. You can continue with the external DMSO. Oranges (grapefruits) only 2 hours after your last dose for the day. You can add another hour (dose) of MMS, if you wish - JH says to treat until done! (My mom had this, so I know how painful it can be)
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Last edit: by pam.

Re: Dupuytrens Disease/Dupuytrens Contracture - both hands 16 May 2012 21:03 #17289

  • jmak430
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Hello! A few questions if I may regarding MMS1: I just want to confirm if there is any particular water type I should use when mixing MMS1 with 50% citric acid solution? Is natural spring water alright? and I use4 -5 oz of water to mix the solution with to drink it down. Is this enough? I know I should NOT use any tap water. Or will the solution work best with only Distilled Water? I do not have any reverse osmosis equipment so that is not an option for now. Also, how much additional water should be consumed (outside of what is used during the protocol)? I weigh 200 pounds if that matters...

Also, I know I am to avoid vitamin C added stuff, oranges and grapefruits during the protocol (I was told only to eat 2 these after 2 hrs of last daily dose). Are there any other foods that may interfere with the MMS1 healing/detox process? I did MMS P 1000 for 25 days, then switched to P 1000+ adding DMSO thereafter of which I have done for 6 days so far.

It is alright to have a cup of tea (7-8 AM) in the morning (sometimes herbal, sometimes caffiene) if I start my dosages at noontime or one PM? Or should tea be completely avoided during the protocol 1000 (or P 1000+ which is what I am presently doing for 9 hrs daily)? Can I also eat a grapefruit/ orange for breakfast then as well (since it is usually about 4 hrs before I start the MMS)?

Is caffeine to be avoided regardless during these protocols?

I have been told that I "smell" from ingesting the DMSO + MMS1 drops... how long will this smell be in my system and is there anything I can do to counteract this? I have to do conventions in Mid June - should I stop the P 1000+ before I do the conventions (to alleviate the odor in order to get it out of my system) and if so, how long before my trips should I stop the dosages? Any other suggestions on this? Fortunately, I work from home most of the time!

If I only use the DMSO spray on my body at night and shower in the morning; will there still be the noticeable odor? I only smell it when it is on my body but once I wash it off, I don't smell this odor (of course not!) but my hubby tells me I smell like garlic fish breath most likely coming from my pores! When I did the MMS1 Protocol 1000 (without DMSO) I had no odors so would it be a good idea to switch back to this protocol during the conventions? I am treating Duuytrens Disease if this is relevant to know...

I thank you for your expertise to my questions!

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Re: Dupuytrens Disease/Dupuytrens Contracture - both hands 17 May 2012 01:07 #17294

  • kevink
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Hi Jmak,

I'll answer your questions in the order you wrote them.

Distilled water is best, R.O. water is great, water filtered through ceramic and charcoal is next best, followed by whatever clean, filtered water is available to you.

A rough guide as to how much water to drink daily would be 1 quart (litre) for every 50 pounds (22kgs) of body weight. Surprisingly, if you keep that up along with the MMS protocols it will be the best way to overcome Duuytrens Disease. If you find it going straight through you at first, don't worry, your body will adapt over about a 3 week period and you'll stop having to run to the bathroom too often.

Vitamin C in most natural foods is not a problem, and if you have oranges and/or grapefruit and a cup of tea 4 hours before you start your MMS protocols for the day that will be fine. With the grapefruit, scrape some of the pith as well, it's a great blood vessel detoxifier and will assist your condition. Avoid processed foods.

Coffee can be consumed a couple of hours before or after the protocols.

It is definitely the DMSO that results in that smell so you could go without it during your conventions, but keep up the MMS regardless.

One more thing would be to exercise your hands and fingers often - make a fist and squeeze then relax, then open the fingers outward and stretch. Also press the opposing finger tips from each hand together & push against them so your fingers come together down to the knuckles while keeping the palms apart.

Good luck with it.

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