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In Life's waiting room 14 Mar 2012 05:32 #14296

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Hello all, I'm a newbie here, so wanted to introduce myself...Hi !

~my story started back in April, 2009, the doctors were giving me 6 months or less to live, saying that I was 4th stage HCV, and since I was too far gone, there was nothing they could do to help me, so they just sent me home to be with loved ones and get my affairs in order...

I never will forget the shock of being told this, my wife fell to the floor right in the doctors office and was helped out to the waiting room by the nurse, as I was in a wheel chair from extreme fatigue then..
Found out about MMS shortly after that.. that was back before the different protocols were put together.. been a long road, trials and errors with sorting through what works and what doesn't... At first there was determination with strong convictions, then this mellows into happy to maintain... then later, comes "I've lived a good life" so if it comes back.. I'm ready to go anyway... Well..it's been a year and for my senior years, ~seem to fairing okay with my daily vitamins ~ sort of like being in Life's waiting room..

Any how.... hope this will serve as an introduction.. sorry if I don't know how to do it proper..
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Re: In Life's waiting room 14 Mar 2012 16:48 #14319

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Hi hobo, and welcome. Thanks for sharing your story. I too, was given a six months to a year death decree in Nov. 2010, if I didn't have surgery. Well I didn't and it's been a bit more than six months and even more than a year! :woohoo: I'm still working on complete eradication of the "unwanted" mass in my throat, but feel fine. I did the OCC found on the web site mms4life as it seemed the easiest for me.

Good luck and keep living, smiling, and loving...
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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 04:22 #14356

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Hello Cricket, Thank you kindly for the Welcome...
What you said about the mass in your throat made me curious, but after blowing up your photo, I could see what you're referring to... It sure looks like a swollen thyroid to me. Did your doctor have you screened for your Iodine levels? I'm assuming that he didn't as you'd already be on Lugol's Solution everyday to clear it up...
Here's a read about it, if you're interested in the info.

What is the OCC ? I went to the mms4life site that you referred to, and didn't see it listed..
It sounds interesting to know about though..

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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 06:22 #14367

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Hi Hobo, No it isn't my thyroid. I've had CT scans and a biopsy and the lab came back with stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma. I don't recall ever having a thyroid test or being screened for iodine levels. I will check out the site you posted though.

Here is the link to that protocol. They have so many listed, but this is the page address.


Really? You could blow my picture up that much and see the lump? Wow. :)

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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 06:56 #14369

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I have a cousin who gave birth to a daughter who had very complicated heart problems, basically the heart was formed with all tubes as a spaghetti junction in no normal way, doctors predicted my cousins daughter would have 2 to 3 months to live, this is in Germany where medical services are very high.

My cousin and her husband opted for alternative medicine and their daughter lived into her early teens, and through this cousins friends who where into alternative medicine did my Mum come across Jim Humbles book with MMS that she introduced to me so that I may help others in Africa, so I would not really heed most of the medical doctors advice, would really get a second opinion and see what alternatives are possible as they work...


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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 07:25 #14370

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Thanks for the link to what you were talking about, I've heard about using the DMSO with MMS, but don't know too much about it....
The information about the Iodine, it also explains how you can do a simple test at home to see if you have an Iodine deficiency, by doing a skin test, and see how fast it fades away...if less than 8, 12 or less than 24 hrs. The less time it takes to fade, the more indication that you have a deficiency.
I also found a research study that was done on hepatitis C patients, and it showed that as the disease progressed, the Iodine levels in all of the case studies showed loss in Iodine levels..
I don't know for sure, but I kind of think that this might be the case with most all diseases. I know that there is a big difference between the Iodine that is taken internally and the drug store kind that one would put on a wound...
Do you do a special diet too? The Gerson cancer recipe calls for juicing two green applies with 4 carrots, if I remember right....and my memory sure isn't what it use to be! ;)

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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 07:53 #14374

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Hello Z~Magic,
It's comforting to know about others who have found help with alternative methods too. and it's says a lot about yourself also, in helping others there in Africa. Sometimes I get a really bad taste in my mouth, when I think about how many lives has been lost needlessly, because the doctors' verdict was less than hopeful.
I don't know how it is there, but here in the u.s. so many are brainwashed into believing that if a doctor didn't prescribe a drug or treatment, then then there's simply nothing anyone can do.
So if they get the: "You've only have xxx to live"
They "believe" it as the gospel truth and just lay down and give up....

On another note ~ I was wondering about the CDS Is it still being used? and is it as good as the MMS?

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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 08:22 #14377

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Well in Africa it is a lot different, people cannot always afford the medical doctors way and many choose the traditional alternative way due to poverty, not only that the medical doctors often give you no hope as you say.

For example my son had asthma, I already know all the medical doctor is going to do is put him on one of those asthma pumps, I of course brain storm who do I know that can help my son be healed of asthma.

Luckily I have had a famous person perform in a club I used to run on Zanzibar, known as Bi Kidude who cures asthma.

Pay her a visit at her home tell her about my son and she says bring me 2 bottles of whiskey and leave me $10 to get ingredients will cook up some thing for your son come back tomorrow to pick it up.

The next day she has completely drunk out the 2 bottles of whiskeys, she is said to be nearly 100 years old and still performs live, saw here just last month on stage, the 2 bottles of whiskey have been filled up with what she has cooked, herbs and spices, says take a teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day, and in less than a week my son was healed hardly used more than what was in the neck of the first bottle, have an idea what herbs she used, but if we collected this data no one would need a medical doctor again.

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Fatuma binti Baraka (aka Bi.Kidude) is a Zanzibari Taarab singer. She is considered the undisputed queen of Taarab and Unyago music and is also a protégé of Siti binti Saad.[citation needed] Bi Kidude was born in the village of Mfagimaringo, she was the daughter of a coconut seller in colonial Zanzibar. Bi Kidude's exact date of birth is unknown, much of her life story is uncorroborated, giving her an almost mythical status.

In 2005 Bi Kidude received the prestigious WOMEX award for her outstanding contribution to music and culture in Zanzibar.

Bi Kidude once collapse live on stage in Japan due to exhaustion and probably too much whiskey, people back her and even in newspaper said she had a past away, a few days later she comes of the plane drums in hand singing down the planes stairs, thanks for announcing my death but I am well and alive kicking as you can see, so with friends like her with all them healing secrets still in her head, not everyone runs to medical doctors......

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CDS is supposed to be even better than MMS1, I am still old school and mainly use MMS1, more MMS2 now but I am yet to experiment with CDS.......

Have time and trying to learn more about spices and herbs from people like Bi Kidude.......


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Re: In Life's waiting room 15 Mar 2012 18:13 #14397

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Hi again Hobo,

As far as changing my diet, I did purchase a juicer and used it for a while and I did check into the diets recommend for cancer, I tried the Budwig diet to a point and liked it also, but on the whole I decided if I'm going to live, I'm going to live. I have for the most part in the last ten years tried to improve my diet and where my food comes from but I'm learning it's mostly how I feel about what I eat that is making a difference. Our thoughts do create our reality. I'm intending all that I eat is for my highest good health-wise.

I've planted a garden for the past twenty something years and know our foods are not what they could be if everything was at a pristine stage, but it's not, so I try to do things to overcome that, by using only clean organic non-hybrid seeds and helping my soils to health also. Last years garden seemed to be a disaster with not much to show for the work but then again I was working with an old garden area I hadn't worked before and even though the previous gardener to that plot said it was all organic...I'm thinking something wasn't quite right. This year's garden should be much different.:cheer:
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