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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 25 Nov 2013 17:20 #37602

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It is possible to take MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite; pool shock) without using capsules. Use a rounded or heaping 1/8th teaspoon of MMS2 in 1.5 cups of water, then immediately follow with 1 cup of plain water. I have been doing it 4 times a day for 3 weeks now and I like it much better than capsules. Jim says he tested this method of using water only and people did not like the taste, so he decided to go with capsules.

Some people may prefer this method like I do, and it is good to know in case you don't have capsules. The key is to mix thoroughly so the granules are suspended in water when you drink it and drink it quickly, and then follow quickly with plain water. If the granules stay in contact with your mouth or throat for any length of time then there is burning because of the acidity. There is no burning in your stomach because it is designed for acids. After doing it a few times, you get skilled at drinking it down quickly and I find it is less unpleasant than capsules. But your mileage may vary.

Healing Wishes,
Michael Harrah

Can you drink the MMS2 water and then chase it with grape juice?

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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 25 Nov 2013 17:39 #37605

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You would definitely not want to do this -

Red20, you may want to get Jim Humble's book and read it - the first 50 pages are available as a free download.

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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 25 Nov 2013 17:49 #37606

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You would definitely not want to do this -

Red20, you may want to get Jim Humble's book and read it - the first 50 pages are available as a free download.

Hi Pam,

I'm sorry I'm asking stupid questions. I am sick and have brain fog, so I have problems absorbing information.

Can you provide me a link on how to use MMS2?


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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 25 Nov 2013 19:21 #37607

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Recently I caught from my son an annoying cold and used 20 ml of cds 3000 in 1000 grams water and us I was drinking 100 grams water from this dilution every hour I was remaining at a paused status to my caught cold, but as it came the time to sleep and my caught cold was annoying me at the same rate as at the beginning I decided and made a trial and took 20 ml of cds 3000 in 200 (6oz) grams water and found that the annoying pain from my cold which I was trying to eliminate all the day disappeared at less of 10 seconds, yes 10 seconds.
That was fantastic to feel it and so just a day after I decided to make a new experiment in myself and took two dose of 20 ml of cds 3000 in 200 grams water combined with one mms2 capsules of 600 mg in a time period of 15 minutes totally 40 ml of cds 3000 and 2 capsules of 600 mg at a time period of 15 minutes . I must report that i am using mms2 for almost three years and took more than 1300 capsules of 600 mg until now and it happened anything like the above.
At the beginning i had no reaction of about 4 hours and then happened, i felt the feeling of drilling at one point near the liver and after became two and after a little three and finally i felt it drilling in almost five different places in my lymphatic system. I must report that three months ago I tried to clean my lymphatic system with Moringa and after a month period of boosting the independent immune system of lymph with Moringa I felt that was under attack the same points of my lymphatic system and the small pain to all my lymphatic system then had paint all the places of my lymph.
So I felt the invasion of white blood cells to the lymphatic system through liver. As it was already at night 2 o clock when i awake at 7 o clock i felt that the drilling was near to the end and near the fat bowel and to some other places more higher as it was cleaning the branches of all lymphatic system .
It was amazing as the lymph has its own defense system and it was cleaned at that way at less of 12 hours.
So I am thinking that this kind of over boosting must use to people who had experience more than a year to mms2.
It was AMAZING as it needed two much energy for the white blood cells to pass to another system and to went contra to the flow of the lymph and to clean my lymphatic system.
As my brother died from cancer to lymphatic system six years ago I think that people who suffered with chronic illness can give it a trial. As I consumed finally at a period of 12 hours 120 ml of 3000 cds and 6 capsules and i felt almost for two days that i had too much energy and the only negative which experienced was a small burning in my tongue which disappeared when I placed a little macadamia oil which is Ω7.

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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 25 Nov 2013 23:49 #37619

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i generally prefer size 2 capsules which i am taking 5 times a day filled almost fully.
But when i did not have them i figured out this method with honey.

Take a table spoon and cover the bottom with thin layer of honey, then sip the desired amount of mms2 on it and cover it all with the second layer of honey, and then you have to swallow it and immediately drink the plain water. If you do it well no taste is being felt. But you have to drink a lot of water after it.

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Taking dissolvable MMS2 24 Apr 2018 01:47 #58343

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Hello Michael,
I am wondering if you heard about dissolvable MMS2 tablets (not capsules )?
I’ve received an order and realized that this is not the capsules Jim talks about in his book.
Instructions on the bottle say to dissolve one tablet in 1 L of water for water purification purposes.
Now I am not sure if I can just swallow the tablet so I could avoid the taste or do I still need to dissolve it?
If I need to dissolve the tablet then in what amount of water?
Thank you in advance, Shanti

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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 26 Apr 2018 22:35 #58369

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I decided and made a trial and took 20 ml of cds 3000 in 200 (6oz) grams water and found that the annoying pain from my cold which I was trying to eliminate all the day disappeared at less of 10 seconds, yes 10 seconds.

If I am not mistaken 1ml of 3000ppm CDS = 3 activated drops, so 20ml of CDS is the equivalent of 60 drops of MMS1 ?
So you took in 1 dose 60 drops of MMS1 ? Am I correct?

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Last edit: by gabyher.

Taking MMS2 without the capsules 26 Apr 2018 23:17 #58371

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The old 1=3 mistake is still around. That error was exposed years ago, thanks to Scott, but every seller of CDS on the web still repeats it.

If you read this PDF file, and others on my website, you will learn why 1 ml of 3000 ppm CDS is NOT equal to an ingested 3 drop MMS1 dose.
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Taking MMS2 without the capsules 27 Apr 2018 04:10 #58372

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Thanks CLO2. I am glad I asked. So the correct conversion is 2.2 ml CDS equal 1drop of MMS1.
So 20 ml CDS is equivalent to 9 drops of MMS1. This is more reasonable and doable.
60 drops seemed way too excessive, that's why I asked. Thanks again.
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