ARVs increase the Death rate by 85% compared to ingredients of Umlingo WamaNgcolosi
By Kim Cools..
Recently a report came out that no follow up / monitoring studies are done on the effectiveness of the ARV roll-out, and that it will take a year to design such a study, before they can even implement it. To me, this mind-boggling as we are spending Billions of Rands on ARV "treatment" without knowing its effects and outcome. We have an inkling of what is going on. A doctor friend of mine holds every Tuesday afternoon "Mortality Meetings" at one of the big University Hospitals, where they discuss each and every patient who has died (why, how, what treatment were they receiving etc.). Last year he reported that 18% of his patients who came back every month (many don’t) died within 6 months of starting ARVs. Currently 30% of his patients are dead within 3 months after starting ARVs. see next
Many "HIV" patients are registered for ARV treatment, fetch their ARVs every month – or not – but stop taking them within a few weeks because the side-effects are too severe. However, they are bullied and threatened to keep on taking the AR...Vs with threats like if they do not take these drugs, they will not be admitted to hospital if they are sick etc. So to say we are treating 800 000 / 900 000 patients may not be true at all - they have 800 000+ patients on their Registers – if they are taking the treatment is another question – this has to be investigated. It has also become known, that some patients are registered at more than one site. They do this to get hold of extra ARVs for the purpose of selling them to people as a recreational drug. (They apparently have the same effect as Heroin when you combine and smoke them with Marijuana). Recently there was another little article in the newspaper that throws some light on what is happening. In a small clinical trial it was tested to see if nurses could take over from doctors treating HIV patients, as we do not have enough doctors in (Southern) Africa. The Trial ran from 2005 – 2007 and was lead by Prof Ian Sanne, Director of the Clinical HIV Research Unit at Wits University.
A: Doctor monitored ARV Treatment 408 Patients
B: Nurses monitored ARV Treatment 404 Patients
A: Deaths 10 Patients
B: Deaths 11 Patients
A: Virological Failures 44 Patients
B: Virological Failures 39 Patients
A: Toxicity Failures 68 Patients B: Toxicity Failures 66 Patients
A: Program Losses 70 Patients B: Program Losses 63 Patients
A: "Failure" of ARV Treatment 192 Patients 47.05% Failure rate
B: "Failure" of ARV Treatment 179 Patients 44.30% Failure Rate
Tine worked out the Failure of ARV Treatment as this was not in the biast pro Pharma newspaper.
This trial was not intended to see if ARVs are effective, but to see if nurses could handle it just as well as doctors.
But by releasing these figures, they inadvertently let the cat out of the proverbial bag, and showed up the inefficiency of these drugs. Nobody seems to have noticed the treatment failure rate (Tine worked out and included these figures – they were not in the rapport), as the emphasis was not the success rate of the treatment, but if nurses could do as good a job as doctors. The following is also important to note as clinical trials portray a better picture than real live situations:
When people participate in a clinical trial, they are made to feel important. Dropout Rates or Program Losses will be much lower than in real life situations, as they also sign up to follow the protocols, even though they have an escape clause. Virological and Toxicity Failures will be picked up much sooner in a clinical trial, as the blood samples are straight away processed and more tests are done on a regular basis than is the norm etc. Problems like Lactic Acid and other side effects are dealt with much faster – that is why the Death Rate is lower, but the other Failure rates are much higher as patients are stopped in time taking the drugs before they kill them. In real life, patients stay away from the "HIV" clinics when the side-effects become too much, only to maybe come back to a hospital to die when the family can’t handle it, as our doctor friend will testify too. To us, handing out expensive, "unproven" (according to themselves, as there is no short or long-term monitoring), toxic drugs borders on insane, criminal behavior, its GENOCIDE!
We worked in 5 South African Hospitals, one hospital in Lesotho, one children’s Hospice and a few other Hospices We know of 2 hospitals that carried on with the program/ingredients of Umlingo WamaNgcolosi.
In one Hospital, they had between 10 – 14 deaths per week of people dying of AIDS.
This means 45 – 68 death per month.
They kept records when implementing our program/the ingredients of Umlingo WamaNgcolosi.
After 7 months, they had only 37 people dying in that time against otherwise 235 – 476 they would have had without the wellness program which contains most of the ingredients of Umlingo WamaNgcolosi.
7 Months RESULT FOR PEOPLE TREATED WITH ARVs 342 people died!
7 Months RESULT FOR PEOPLE TREATED WITH Umlingo ingredients : 37
WHO NEEDS TO BE DELETED IN FACEBOOK? THOSE THAT PROMOTE ARVs as they are bringing Death & Suffering!
Please help us remove all the groups that promote ARVs as a solution for people with AIDS symptomes. Thank you.
See the Note "HIV does not cause AIDS" and understand why no one needs ARVs.
Thank you: