Hi All,
I just thought I'd better check in as I hate not keeping my word and hate when other people do that. I guess I was really trying not to bring anyone down because I've been really disappointed in myself with how I'm doing on the protocol. I started off gungho and ready to tackle this thing (and I still intend to) but I got up to only 8 times on my first day and 6 on the next day and it just went downhill from there.
I haven't really had any outbreaks, just some tingling and things coming close to the surface of the skin. I've had this thing in my body now for at least 18 years. So I thought I should be having bad outbreaks by now and figured it's probably because of my inconsistency with the protocol that I'm not having them or I'm doing something wrong. Whatever the case, I haven't and will not give up because I desire the freedom from this thing far too much to let this go.
Oh and then Thanksgiving happened! You REALLY can't be doing this on Thanksgiving Day when people are expecting you to "eat" all of their hard work!!!
FYI: Some or most may already know this, but placing Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton swab and applying it directly to the affected area and holding it there for 3 minutes (some say longer...and it may burn at first) dries up the outbreak...or rather, it did for me. I know that everyone is different. So just a suggestion for fast relief folks. You need to do it several times a day, but it gave instant relief to me when I tried it a few weeks ago, made it MUCH more bearable, and then it just went away in no time!
I've also done the douches, but have yet to do the MMS baths, enemas and spine rubs because I'm so afraid of the pain/burning I've heard about it. Regardless, I will be doing all or one of these within the next 24 hours and although I know the spine rub could be very difficult, I'm still looking forward to it just knowing that I'm still attacking it and from an even better vantage point.
To add to all that "happiness", my cycle started today. It would not be an issue if it weren't for the fact that mine are the cycles from hell. So I'm in severe pain right now not to mention all the other "joy" that goes along with that. Sorry guys. I'm sure that's TMI, but just trying to explain why and where I'm at in this.
So yesterday (while fasting) I only got up to 5 times knowing my cycle would hit any moment and after the 5th time, I started having a lot of pain (not cycle pain) and feeling nauseated. So I stopped there again and took some Moringa much later in the evening and ate something.
The only "side effect" I'm seeing is that my skin is very dry now (maybe from all the distilled water...gotta get some spring water), but I'm also so afraid of eating something that may neutralize the stuff that I'm not really eating right anymore because I wanna get this done and over with. So don't follow my example! lol I'm kinda doing my own thing here. Sorry.
But I'm being honest.
I'm also taking DE and Clay during the day and when I just can't endure the taste any longer, I wait a couple of hours, eat, and take some moringa to try to keep up my immune system because since I'm still unsure of the right diet while doing this, I want to keep my immune system up. It's the taste of the stuff that's been the problem for me for the most part. If I could overcome that, things might go a little better. I don't trust any juices that I've found yet sooooo...I haven't tried it that way yet. I've been using 3 drops of activated MMS & DMSO 1 hour and then CDS the next hour. I'm not sure which tastes worst!
I've tried going to my "happy place" (and other places too lol) and it STILL doesn't work!!! Once I take a dose, I note it and set my watch for the next hour and I SWEAR I never knew how fast time flies!!! For cryin' out loud! When the alarm goes off I say "OH NO!!!" and start to whine like a big baby and I'm a tomboy at heart! I rarely whine about ANYTHING!!! lol
I have to laugh because I'll get upset with myself if I don't and if you don't laugh at yourself....someone else will.
I asked my primary care physician to write up the order for me to take the PCR DNA Test (which I'm pretty sure I should put off at this point because of all my "mishaps") and he said it's something he'll have to literally write up (guess not too many people don't do it at Scripps Clinic here...so I'm SPECIAL!) and he keeps asking (via email) why I want this test since I already know I have HSV. I've been dodging the question because I really don't wanna have to go into what I'm doing (using MMS) and why I'm doing it because I know that if he starts to lecture me on how I'll never get rid of this and that's the way it is, I'm gonna let him have it by giving HIM a lecture of my own about how the FDA is in bed with Big Pharma and how he needs to do his own research and think OUTSIDE the box! Sigh....breathe....
I think I should crawl back in my hole now and rest.
So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it folks!!