hello pam,
I have the same interest as Delite, as I am searching for information regarding HSV 1 and 2. While searching I came across a member: opulence (female) who wrote that she was able to eradicate the hsv2 with a protocol tailored to her by a Dr. Bervin or Doctor "B". Unfortunately for me I did reached the link, but I do not have the money to do it with him, he has other treatments that are priced around $500 to $2000 dollars. I would love to safe money for this, but I simply cannot afford it at this moment.
From what I understood her protocol required her to take a list of vitamins to strengthen the immune system. then she would start with large doses of mms working backwards for 4 hours. also she used baths and dmso throughout the day.
The point is that she never comes up in any posts anymore, I would like to ask her questions. This is the only member whom I know of that claims to have eradicated this nasty thing.
Thank you.