We follow a lot of alternative Dr.s and watched an interview about MB, around the same time we were doing a round of CD. I dug into the literature and decided it would be a great addition to our emergency medical kit. There is overlap with CD and MB but there are differences. I'm not a believer in one tool does all jobs so having both, and also DMSO, seems to cover most bases. We also have several supplements and FenBen on hand. We stopped going to Dr.s over a decade ago and have been able to handle pretty much everything ourselves, albeit...we don't get sick that often but we did get headaches from a weird stinky fog several weeks ago. It was sunny but the fog settled, didn't roll in but settled down from above, in the afternoon. My wife's mother got a sore throat from it but we took 2 doses of 5mg MB, our headaches cleared after the first dose. I read somewhere that both CD or MB can be used for respiratory issues but that if CD doesn't help after a few days something else should be taken. We prefer to nebulize hydrogen peroxide and augment with MB if needed if we feel a respiratory issue coming on. When my wife's mother "contracted" CV-19 we gave her a nebulizer and had her use hydrogen peroxide with a drop of Lugol's iodine (another item everyone should have) per session with as many sessions as she would do each day. It cleared in a few days. She is a pharmacuetical believer but swears by her nebulizer, we make the hydrogen peroxide saline solution for her.
In a head to head, assuming the outcome to be equal, we'd take MB only because it is easier for dosing. If we knew CD was the better choice then that's what we would use. Again, we don't believe in one miracle solution for all things so we prefer to grab the specific remedy for the situation at hand. We don't doubt the health outcomes others have experienced with CD. My wife was using CD for random cold sores but recently switched to DMSO which knocks them out even faster, a 50% solution. Just to add - as for the "virus" debate, the definition of a virus is "an intracellular parasite"...why we personally think anti-parasitics work such as CD, MB, FenBen, Ivermectin etc.