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Protocol for Covid? 30 Oct 2021 12:28 #72049

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Hi all,

So, in my introductory post, i mentioned I’m using MMS protocols for serious conditions related to what I’m virtually certain is cancer, possibly multiple types. I also mentioned that after doing the mold protocol followed by protocol 1000, for a total of 30 days that I took two weeks off and feared that was a mistake, because I started feeling very fatigued about halfway into that two weeks. 

I’ve been on Protocol 1000 Plus for 5 days now, but my fatigue has gotten increasingly profound. I’ve been putting this down to pathogen die-off, but also have been in some fear that things are getting the better of me and that the MMS isn’t keeping up. 

Finally realized, like a bolt out of the blue, that I very likely have Covid! The fatigue started a couple days after a trip I took for a two-day seminar, mid-month, so the timing is right for thinking I picked it up there. I would have thought Protocol 1000 Plus would have knocked out Covid within a day or two, but apparently not. I suspect it has probably greatly reduced the severity, however, and may be why it has taken so long for me to realize it’s probably Covid. It wasn’t until yesterday when i got chilled, and also noticed things tasting “wrong”, that I connected the dots. I have a test scheduled for a few hours from now to confirm, and I’m really quite relieved to think this fatigue I’ve been experiencing for a week and a half is Covid and NOT cancer taking over my body! 

Anyway, meantime, I’m putting Protocol 1000 Plus on pause in favor of taking supplements known to help with Covid, but I’d like to know if there’s a specific Covid protocol that the community has come up with that I could use as well. I’m thinking 6 & 6 twice a day, several hours apart from taking supplements. Thoughts, anyone?


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Protocol for Covid? 02 Nov 2021 21:42 #72145

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You are very well informed for a relative newcomer. I know it's a lot to learn about in a short time.

You might want to search this forum for user Truthquester, and read some of his more recent posts. He talks about a covid 19 protocol using CDH.

I don't remember where I found the attached document, but it might help (if I can get it attached).

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Protocol for Covid? 02 Nov 2021 22:30 #72148

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It sounds like taking the 2 weeks off gave the virus time to grow. This is why I take unactivated chlorine dioxide daily, and at other times activated. Was there a specific reason why you stopped for 2 weeks?

Then you mention putting the protocol on pause again to take supplements.....doesn't that sound similar to the mistake you made before?

Chlorine dioxide will not work very well when you keep on pausing and you can undo a lot of your work. I also take supplements that counter COVID, but you can just do those at another time. Also the COVID test is a total scam and I know people that got worse after a test!
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Protocol for Covid? 03 Nov 2021 00:45 #72150

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The reason I stopped for two weeks was twofold: 
1. I had a road trip and two-day seminar coming up and the logistics were too daunting
2. My stomach needed a break (the MMS tears it up pretty badly, even at just 3 drops per dose)
I considered, and absolutely should have, continued taking SOME amount of MMS daily, but I was pretty weary of the whole process, after having done it faithfully for a full 30 days.

I ended up testing negative for Covid and have concluded I probably have the flu. Once I started taking the supplements I usually go to, for cold and flu, I began improving. However, the fatigue, while quite a bit less, is still pretty profound. I *hope* it’s simply because it took me a lot longer than usual to start the regimen of supplements and that the flu simply got ahead of me a bit, but I’ve had this for longer than is usual for flu, so I am still a bit concerned. 

I do understand I can take supplements two hours after the last MMS dose for the day, and will start doing that - thank you. Not sure when I will start back up on thee MMS. I know I need to, but the fatigue is still such that it just doesn’t sound doable right now, unless I can split the doses into two sessions per day so I can get a nap in between. But Jim Humble recommends against that, and I don’t want to sabotage my efforts. So at this moment, I’m a bit adrift. Just too tired to think about it much. 

What do you think of using the 6 & 6 protocol twice per day - morning and evening - as a way to be doing *something* to keep getting the MMS in my body daily, while I regain the physical and mental strength to start back with the full Protocol 1000 Plus?

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Protocol for Covid? 03 Nov 2021 03:27 #72154

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If I had a road trip, I would just use 2-3 drops (or less) of unactivated MMS in a 2 liter water bottle to keep some in my system. For the stomach issue, I'd probably try using 1 drop of unactivated MMS in the 2 liter bottle. Note that none of the unactivated protocols are official as far as I know, it's experimental but some of us have good results with it. I heard the 6&6 protocol is a 'shock' protocol so unlikely to be for you. I'd go with the less is more approach. Or rather less more frequently.

Do you supplement with iodine? this is one of the bodies best foundation of defense for all viral, fungal, bacteria etc.
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Protocol for Covid? 03 Nov 2021 04:06 #72155

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Thanks for the tip. I can easily do inactivated MMS in water, and have actually wondered about the effectiveness of that for awhile. 

I’m also thinking about getting more into transdermal use of MMS with DMSO. I’ve spent much of today researching various versions of the “overnight cancer cure” advocated by Webster Kerh. When I first ran across it, it didn’t seem feasible, even though the most intense part of the first version I saw lasts just one day. I’ve since changed my mind on that and think I’d much rather endure an intense but *short* treatment period than another 1-2 months of MMS protocols. The most recent version of the overnight cancer cure that I’ve found suggests *3* days in a row of hourly and half-hourly doses of various things, plus several days of build-up, but I’m seriously considering it. It involves MMS, but not orally. 

I do not supplement iodine, but am definitely interested in knowing more about that! I’ve seen you post about it before, and it does sound important. I’d be grateful for any info you can point me to. :) 

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Protocol for Covid? 03 Nov 2021 05:13 #72156

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Have you seen the forum discussion about the unactivated MMS experiment? See here:


Ive been supplementing with iodine for almost 10 years now. Shortly after I started, I stopped getting any colds, flu or infection. And even though I was a key worker all of the way through the pandemic, I did not catch a thing. I did see others getting sick, catching the virus and flu though. I supplement with about 140mg in two separate does, but before the pandemic it was just 50 - 60 mg. I found I needed more after being around the vaccinated, and to take into account the possibilities of chlorine dioxide oxidizing some of it (converting it to iodide).

To see how iodine protects you from COVID, read this:


This will give you a good general overview of iodine:


If you want to know more, I recommend the book 'Iodine Why You need it, by David Brownstein.

Note that one person I know that supplements with iodine, notices symptoms of iodine deficiency after they use chlorine dioxide on a regular basis. It's likely it competes with it in the receptor sites, or oxidizes it a little. Therefore it's possible that using MMS without being aware of your iodine levels, or signs of deficiency could cause thyroid problems. That's my theory anyway. I think it would depend on how toxic a persons body was.

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Protocol for Covid? 03 Nov 2021 08:13 #72159

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@Darby Cat If MMS1 is giving your stomach problems have you thought about trying CDS?

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Protocol for Covid? 03 Nov 2021 16:12 #72162

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@Darby Cat

Were you using HCI or citric acid as an activator with your MMS?

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