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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 10 May 2017 21:11 #55601

  • Nightshades
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Is it normal for the concoction to start smoking when mixing larger doses. When I add the Hcl to the Sodium Chlorite I usually don't see any smoke but I made a larger batch with 16 drops of each and it started smoking. Is that normal or did I do something wrong?

And does the MMS of the Third Mellennium book cover the protocol for dogs? I will take a look in my ebook a little later but if you see this before please do let me know where I can find the dog info.

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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 10 May 2017 23:50 #55602

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The Animal Chapter begins on page 289.

Smoking is probably CLO2 gas you see and can be caused by strong light hitting the solution, particularly sunlight. More drops = more CLO2 gas, so that is why you see it now compared to when using fewer drops.
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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 12 May 2017 02:15 #55610

  • KennethWalter
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I can tell you what happened to me, on the 1st night of only taking 2 drops each hour prior to bed, It improved my urge to pee, in stead of 6 times, I only went 2 times. [ my goal is to nuke my candida gut ] fast forward to the following week, my libido improved a bit, no other side effects noticed. I think it just kills off whatever it bumps into. I had added 70% DMSO to the batches the following weeks, and still the urge to pee is either there for a cpl times or not, so it has greatly improved to me.

I also have recently bumped into fruits n vegetables, like freeze dried then encapsulated....I'm an experimenter, I have drunk turpentine to see if it would kill off the CANDIDA, but it only killed off the biofilm I had on my brain.....so while disapppointed the gut bacteria survived, I was most pleased to once again have a clear head, the turp killed it in about 3 seconds starting from the base of my skull up the back part , top and that was it !

Back to the veggie caps. I thought on it for a bit b4 deciding on how many I'd take, so I settled on 10 instead of the 2 reco'd on the label, then went to bed, not projecting any kind of results, so I'd just see what I'd see no projecting.

When I woke up, I was at a much higher "feeling of well being" than I had been recently. I wasn't a little, it was quite noticable. So now, 42 fruits and vegetables is my go-to supplement, because I could actually feel the difference. My feeling is, it's the concentrated fruits and veggies doing the work. Our Heavenly Father gave us berries and fruits and vegetables prior to adding meat to our diets, the berries and fruits were to be treated as meat !

My body let me know, it was quite grateful for that food it rarely got from me. I'm 65 and was feeling my age, until I took them, and no longer feel like I'm 65, I feel younger....the only thing left is to nuke the CANDIDA from my life.......

The Candida is 35yrs old, and I'm open to any suggestion that may nuke it, as I'm quite sick of it, and still don't like the quacks that ruined my life.....due to antibiotics and whole grain and corn, just like the cows got to fatten them up, that info I accidently bumped into about 4yrs ago watching PBS on farmers and cows
I recently came upon MMS and FGHP therapy at the same time. And NOW more recently, I stumbled into old therapies, like turpentine!
And I always support peoples right to choose whichever therapy they see fit to take!
youtube- daniels, why turpentine is good for your health most excellent info with instructions and warnings for proper preparation prior to using turp should you choose to do so.
diamond g in georgia was the best turp I found.
also check out the borax conspiracy about arthritis, worth your time to read.


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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 12 May 2017 11:49 #55616

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I take this powdered greens formula called Barlean's Greens which is concentrated vegetable powder in chocolate flavor. I buy frozen organic berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries and combine with a little bit of chocolate organic plant based protein shake powder and coconut milk and drink that sometimes. I haven't lately because its too much antioxidant while I'm taking MMS. But sometimes at night I may have it.

I thought for a while I had fungus and maybe I have that too, but my unknown illness is most likely Lyme disease as I have every classic symptom plus rare symptoms you don't usually hear of- like my head feels like its vibrating sometimes and my sweat smells like ammonia. Only time i've seen those 2 symptoms come up is on Lyme disease forums. So this is either Lyme disease or a similar tick-borne illness. And it has become systemic in my body affecting me from head to toe. But MMS1 has definitely made my condition better and it has only been 6 days of being on it. Last night I went up a few drops and got the herx reaction, so at least I know its working.

I have 100% faith in the MMS. They are naturally occurring compounds. And I too, believe that everything we need was put on this Earth by God/Goddess. I think when we start introducing synthetics it starts to throw us into imbalance. Whether it is synthetic foods like GMOs, or synthetic drugs like Rx chemicals, and one thing I think will be a complete nightmare is transhumanism. Trying to put our consciousness into machines. They think they are bringing humanity into the next phase of evolution but we're not ready for that and I say let it happen on its own. How are we going to move on to the next phase of evolution when we can't even master the one we're in right now?

I wonder how zeolites and DMSO might affect fungus? That might be worth a shot. Clinoptilolite is good stuff. Made when the hot lava meets cool ocean water. They have a negative charge and heavy metals and I believe pathogens also have a positive charge so it might be worth looking into.

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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 12 May 2017 18:09 #55621

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I've put together the following protocol that I believe will take care of cancer and candida if you'll put the effort into it.

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Take care,
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops

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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 13 May 2017 00:27 #55625

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Cool file! I had never heard of this "rebounding" on a mini trampoline. What about rebounding on the trampoline while drinking MMS? that would be a site to see! I'd have to keep it outside. And every time I go outside I see these damn chemtrails from the geoengineering program. Its horrific. The skies don't even look normal or natural anymore where I live except for a few days when they give it a little rest. But it really pisses me off. When are people going to open their eyes? In what universe is covering the Earth in a blanket of toxic and contagious shitstorms going to help anything? And furthermore, Its probably only making the Earth hotter. And darker! Its all a big shit scam joke to them! They are a danger to everyone on the planet!

P.S> Sorry for the rant...

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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 14 May 2017 13:09 #55648

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How come we only do 8 hours of MMS instead of 24 hours or at least 12 hours during all the time we're awake? Doesn't that off-time give the virus/bacterium/fungus a chance to regroup and reproduce? Can you do more than 8 hours and will it be more effective? Or will it just overload the body with die off?

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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 14 May 2017 17:30 #55651

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You can take MMS as many hours as you like, but most people get tired of taking it even 8 hours a day. Protocol 2000 says to take MMS1 10 hours per day.

If you have too much die off, then reduce the dosage, but not the number of hours.

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CDS For Unknown Chronic Illness - General Questions I have 14 May 2017 18:13 #55656

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It says in the book that people with Lyme disease should take as much MMS as possible. So I'm trying to push it as much as I can handle. I will start adding DMSO/MMS like in protocol 3000. I should also be using CHL or MMS2?

And when using MMS1 topically it should only be mixed with citric acid?

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