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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 04 Oct 2014 03:22 #47638

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The white feet don't treat applies to dogs, not cats. Here is some more insight into this problem:

Ivermectin Toxicity in Dogs

This toxic reaction occurs especially in dogs that are genetically hypersensitive to ivermectin, an anti-parasite medication most commonly used for heartworm prevention, or to treat ear and hair mites, which can lead to mange. Ivermectin prevents or kills parasites by causing neurological damage to the parasite, resulting in paralysis and death for the parasite. But dogs genetically sensitive to the medication have an anomaly that allows the ivermectin to pass the dog's blood-brain barrier and into its central nervous system, which can be lethal for the animal.

While the sensitivity to this type of medication is not always guaranteed, the following breeds are most likely to be affected:

•Old English Sheepdog
•English Sheepdog
•Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
•Australian Shepherd
•German Shepherd
•Long-haired Whippet
•Silken Windhound
•Skye Terrier

It is also seen in mixed-breed dogs, older dogs that have experienced a blow to the head, puppies, and dogs that have overdosed on similar types of drugs. Treating dogs that are susceptible to ivermectin toxicity with parasitic medication should be only be done under a veterinarian's supervision and with great caution.


Symptoms for the dog may be acute or mild. Acute signs will become apparent within 4 to 12 hours of the drug's administration. In mild cases, symptoms will occur between 48 to 96 hours after your dog has been treated. Such symptoms include:

•Dilation of the pupil
•Loss of appetite (anorexia)
•Difficulty controlling voluntary movement
•Inability to stand
•Slow heartbeat
•Respiratory distress
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Last edit: by robtempe. Reason: grammar mistake

dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 06 Oct 2014 00:49 #47654

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A followup note on the health conditions of recently adopted "Liam" (8 mod male cat) and "Lily" (ca 4 yr old female cat). They were both checked by the Humane Society vet who tells me they are both free of ear mites, respiratory illness, and ringworm. She said that the type of ringworm the male had on his body was not a difficult strain to treat and that is probably why they are both clear now. There is no way for me to know if the CD has helped with these conditions. They may have already been healthy. Lily does still have a slight discharge in her ears, but it's not ear mites the doc said, It's yeast and bacteria. The vet was supposed to give me something to "wash" them out with, but I left the vet's office without it, so I'll have to go back to the vet and find out what that stuff is. I wonder if MMS can help with that? Anyone have experience with using MMS for ear discharge in cat?
So I am not concerned about these cats at this ;point. I am treating them twice a day with CDH. 3 drops activated in 1 oz distilled water. I use a no-needle syringe and give each of them 1.5 ml orally.

Rev. Joyce Jay
Genesis II Church of Health & Healing
Colorado, USA Chapter #187
Certified Meridian Tapping Expert Practitioner
The mind is a gift -
What you do with it is your gift to yourself!
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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 06 Oct 2014 10:06 #47658

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For people this is the protocol for ear infections:

## Ear Infections - Activated 4 drops MMS and add 1/2 cup water. Drop several drops into affected ear and allow to penetrate deeply lying on your side.

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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 06 Oct 2014 11:09 #47659

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Horsefeathers, is there a similar treatment for sinus, breathing problems?

Another thing you may want to try for yeast problems is enzymes and probiotics. A lot of those problems originate in the gut and may have been caused by any number of reasons like antibiotics, parasites, stress, etc. and there is a need for good flora to out number the bad. There is something called Cat Mix which may be helpful and a probiotic I use religiously (except on Sundays) is Natures Way Primadolpholous Reuteri:


The reuteri is especially helpful when a cat or dog has the runs. The powder is best and the most efficient way to buy and use it. Reuteri has had actual scientific studies proving its efficacy for cats and dogs.

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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 06 Oct 2014 13:43 #47661

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On the left hand side there is a link called "Maladies and protocols adviced" Here is the info from there:
Sinus Infections - Protocol 1000, also mix 4 activated drops MMS with 1/2 cup water and drop at least several drops into each nostril while lying down on your back on a bed and hanging your head over the edge, allowing the solution to penetrate deeply
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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 06 Oct 2014 23:27 #47666

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Thanks Horsefeathers. I have a cat with chronic sinus issues that is affecting his breathing. I am hoping the remedy transfers to cats. I rarely get sick myself (except when I say I rarely get sick without knocking on wood) but it is so great to have a safe product like this with so many uses and one that is affordable.

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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 07 Oct 2014 03:22 #47668

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hope that you're cat will be ok soon :( :)
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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 12 May 2015 22:02 #49701

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I have a dog with a large tumor that has ulcerated, I have been applying 6 drops SC 6 drops HCL 4% let activate, then add 10ml distilled water then spray directly on tumor. Not a whole lot happening.

I read your post and plan to switch, but i have a question, when you say 20 drops mms, do you mean activated? usually the activation is equal drops of SC and CA or HCL4%, but then you say you add 12 drops citric acid (can I substitute HCL 4%) so are you adding 12 drops CA to the activated mms or are you using 20 drops sc and 12 drops citric acid, a higher ratio of SC on purpose. Thanks for clarifying.

20 drops MMS into clear 2 oz spray bottle, add12 drops 50% Citric Acid. Wait 3-5 minutes then add 1oz water. Keep in fridge. Last 4-6 days. Keep 70/30 DMSO in frosted spray bottle, non-refrigerated. Spray MMS mixture over entire area and then spray DMSO over that same area. I applied both generously and let it dry on its own. Keep DMSO at room temps.
The external tumors stopped growing almost immediately. Soon they turned grayish. Then they began to shrivel and flatten. By the end of the week they flaked off.

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dog and cat have cancer- need help in treatment 12 May 2015 22:23 #49702

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penwah114, for an external

large tumor that has ulcerated

I would make some CDS with the MMS and 4% HCL you have and apply it undiluted to the ulcerated tumor. CDS is fully activated and will provide a lot of CLO2 whereas MMS1 is about 7% activated externally.

Since you have 4% HCL, use twice as much of that to MMS (2:1) when making CDS. Normally we use 10% HCL 1:1 with MMS, but 2x 4% HCL will also work.

If you have not made CDS, you will find the overnight method described in more than one PDF file at www.mmsinfo.org

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