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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 25 May 2014 04:09 #44687

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Dry sauna daily.rinse off toxic sweat.VERY IMPORYANT

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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 25 May 2014 14:33 #44693

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You will not cure it without changing the diet.
You need to drop of the sugars and starches. Bread, potatoes, sweets etc...
You can clean your body with mms but it will take years and it is only removing the result, not the cause.
The cause is degenerated immune system and leaky gut mostly from gluten.
I tried it myself with only mms, with miserable effects, now i see it after changing diet. Try some low carb or paleo diet.
MMS is very good but on its won, its just another medicine you need to take...
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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 11 Feb 2016 21:16 #51066

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After reading this ling and being a brain fog sufferer for over 7 years, it got me to do another research and may be we all can benefit from that. First I want you to see this link:

This guy obviously is trying to promote his business but I know he actually has a ton of knowledge and I would not take him lightly. He does not disclose his treatment but whet he sais about the causes of brain fog sounds right on the money. MMS has all the potential to address that as far as I know.
The diet is a BIG, BIG part of that. I learned the hard way. Not too long ago I decided to experiment with pranic nutrition, I couldn't do it so I thought I will do the next best thing and become a fruitarian. I started feeling progressively worse and worse. At the same time, I was introducing MMS protocols, thinking that my symptoms are simply die-offs. Only yesterday, after I started putting 2 and 2 together, I did a little experiment. I took 15 drops of MMS1 in late afternoon. Yes, to be honest, I throw-up in about an hour later but my brain cleared nicely and my energy level went up. I ate some meat and eggs (something I thought I would never eat again) and still felt pretty good. I eve took another medium dose of MM1 before going to bed. Today I am on protocol 1000+ and supplementing heavily with MMS sprays, one enema, sniffing and avoiding my previous bananas, dried fruits and nuts, eating canned fish and raw eggs and some avocados instead, feeling better than in last several weeks.

So, my bottom line is, what I previously thought to be die-off, were actually my diet mistakes, body not having enough oxygen to carry to the brain. I hope to save myself lots of suffering, changing my diet and rumping-up the MMS treatment.
I hope that helps.
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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 26 Mar 2016 02:50 #51621

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For me,

In my case I picked up the candida from my ex wife during sex. She was on Nystatin, but kept having candida flare ups. I didn't think it was that serious until I had a full blown attack of it. KNocked me for a loop.

I'm a B blood type and we all have a slight pre-disposition to insulin and metabolism being on the low side, so what that did was cause a sort of low blood sugar situation almost full time.

I would like to recommend a book right here it's called "Eat Right for your Type" and it has to do with a correlation some doctors found between blood type and certain diseases. Very interesting. Probably at your local library here in the states.

The book explains that some blood types have a predisposition to certain diseases. Also that certain foods are harder on some blood types. There are also recommendations for what foods are safe or bad to eat for each blood type. They explain all this around the idea that humans developed at the earliest times according to their available food sources and as those food sources changed over the eons, peoples intestinal flora, and eventually even their blood type changed or mutated so that some of them would or could survive the conditions and the new food sources. Makes sense to me. And the recommendations in the book work! After I got my Candida under control, I used the "Eat right for your Type info" whenever possible, and it kept me out of trouble with the candida to a large extent.

But back in the day..........

I was always hungry for sweet or starchy foods and bread. But of course these were the last thing one should eat if they have a yeast issue. I had depression and chills and even a rash for a while. I had to change my diet and start over with just veggies at first. That turned out to be a mistake too, but I will come back to that later.

You have to understand the mechanics of Candida and fight it on it's own terms. Otherwise you are in for a losing battle.

So this went on for a couple of years and I wasn't making much headway.

I discovered that many vitamins are actually made with a yeast process. That is a NO NO for me. The B vitamins are mostly made this way. There are many others. You HAVE to read the labels.

Other things you might want to stay away from are any fermented foods. Any Wine, Beer, Alcohol, bread, cake, sweets, chocolate, anything with sugar. Also vinegar, tofu, ice cream. You probably get the idea. No soda pop of course. I still find vitamins like K2 and even Selenium had yeast by-products in them and are still dangerous for me to ingest even to this day.

And while the MMS is going to put stress on the candida, you can't expect it to be killed off too fast.

At first I tried to go straight Vegan along with my wife at the time thinking that would help, but I lost so much weight that I was down to 135 pounds and I'm 6ft tall, so that was too thin for even me. My wife and I would eat huge plates of steamed veggies and still be hungry an hour later. It was not fun.

She was super thin too and didn't seem to making any headway either on this strict vegan diet.

You have to get hold of some really good probiotics and take them away from meals so that the stomach acid does not neutralize them before they get to the target areas in the small and large intestines.
There are some mentioned on the Andrew Kalker protocol that should be stomach acid proof.

The probiotics are the only means of HOLDING ON TO any areas of the intestine that might have been liberated by the MMS or whatever means you might be using.

But what I wanted to say here is that for me at least, I had to have some meat in my diet to have any strength and energy for my job. That's just my 2 cents worth, but I had more luck with a more "normal" diet than trying to go totally vegan or even vegetarian.

I've heard this from my friends too that were trying to get over Lyme disease. As soon as they had some red meat they felt much better.

If you look at what Jim Humble recomends you will see that it's not Vegetarianism of vegan. There is raw milk and organic beef included etc. I think this is needed to recover faster and if someone wants to go back to vegetarianism after they are fully recovered from the candida, then that is their choice.

You don't need much red meat or milk, but say 4-6 ounces a day for a 180 pound person should be plenty.
Cheese is questionalble too as it is fermented. I don't know anything about Kefir, but I didn't have any luck with that either.

All this recovery took years and I had serious allergies along with everything else. I took all the allergy shots for what the doc said were my sensitivities, and that did seem to help. That was the homeopathic route with micro-micro doses and it took about 6 months to have much effect.

I never thought about cleanses too much until last year and I tried the Master Cleanse. It was good, but very hard not to go back to the old diet habits from my childhood like sweets and chocolate and desert after it was over. Seemed to cause cravings.

At that time I had never heard of the proboitics and it was before the internet, so the information was much harder to come by.

So bottom line - Wean off of anything sweet or fermented or anything that has yeast in the fine print.
stay on the probiotics and dark green fresh organic juices with a minimum of sweet juices involved.

As soon as you loose your cravings for sugar you are on your way to wellness.

Wish I knew then what I know now.

Best Wishes - Tillerman6
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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 26 Mar 2016 22:09 #51626

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Fermentation can occur from yeast or bacteria or a combination of both.

I think you are suggesting that someone with candida should not use yeast fermented products and that bacteria fermented products would be okay to use.
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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 06 May 2016 14:56 #52187

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dreadwork, your response is perfect. I am seeing more and more people who are overloaded with candida. These folks often try MMS for a bit, but give up when it doesn't seem to 'cure' in a short period of time. I am, myself, working thru a grain-free eating program now. I can see the results within a few days. I feel as if I'm getting stronger every day (I was not really sick to begin with, but am always looking to improve my own health). My stomach is flattening out -- with no additional exercise. Surely grains, and especially gluten are keeping us slaves to our candida. For permanent results -- FREE YOURSELF MY FRIENDS -- LOSE THE GRAINS! And add MMS at the same time. It's a double knock-out !!

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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 13 May 2016 00:58 #52225

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Mari R, I had been dealing with Candida for 4 months, following the low sugar diet your friend is on WITHOUT SUCCESS (that diet only helped somewhat), and when I finally started searching deeper, I found better things that really make sense and are helping significantly (since applying them in the last 2 weeks).

The first thing was finding an even better diet. The 80/10/10 diet (Low Fat Raw Vegan, aka 'fruitarian') immediately started improving my symptoms (which had waned on the low-sugar diet but were forever coming back).

If you search around, you'll find lots of testimonials of extreme candida sufferers who got better on the 80/10/10 diet - I bet your friend will feel immediately better, just from that change alone.

In other words: the strict low-sugar diet helps (vs. most other diets), but the strict 80/10/10 diet is still even better, and in addition it is much more satisfying (IMO).

Stay away from juice and smoothies though! Fresh fruit & veggies is NOT juice, or juicing, or smoothies, all of which speed up sugar and nutrient absorption too much (which feeds the microbes more than yourself, one of the core aspects of candida infections).

However, whereas the 80/10/10 diet doesn't seem to be particularly keen on fermented foods (without being against it), I would say they are key to the best health and important when candida is a problem. (I therefore kept eating lots of delicious home-made kimchi)


The other bit of info that is really interesting is to consider *why* someone would reach a point where they are no longer omnivorous, and instead display increasingly limited digestive ability.

So obviously, MMS is one thing to do to help heal one's digestive system, but another thing is what is called a 'liver flush', where you basically help your liver flush out the thousands of nasty stones that accumulate and end up blocking the liver's ducts.

I found many testimonials about how liver flushes were also key in recovering 100% from systemic candida infections (ex: going back to being able to eat and live 'normally').

The thing with liver flushes though is that you typically need to do 6-8 of them (sometimes more) to get all the stones out, since each flush pushes out just a few hundred stones, with 3-4 weeks rest between each flush.

The gentlest, most effective and most popular 'liver flush' seems to be Andreas Moritz'. His book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush is really well worth reading (pro-tip: google for the book title + 'pdf' to get a copy of an older edition, in case you'd like to check it out before buying).

In any case, search for 'liver flush candida' testimonials and you'll find plenty of people who solved their cases completely. I did my first flush last weekend and got about 50 little stones out, but I know I have plenty more to do (the big stuff typically comes out in later flushes).

Where 80/10/10 ties back to candida is like this: if the bile ducts of your liver and gall bladder are blocked, then you are not able to properly digest anything really other than fresh fruit and salad (low fat). The good news though is that by adopting the 80/10/10 diet you remove nearly all strain from your digestive system, which makes it easier to deal with MMS and/or liver flush side effects, as minor as they generally are.

My own liver flush felt fine, but some people feel ill when they release previously blocked toxins, or if they don't follow all the steps (like the strongly recommended colon hydrotherapy, or its many alternatives).


One liver flush detail for your friend: the book suggests replacing the apple juice with malic acid tablets when you have candida, since otherwise the juice's sugar is bad (especially since it should be taken on an empty stomach). I made sure to work out every day (at least 25 min), which made it so my muscles absorbed the excess sugar, so personally I was able to take the 1L apple juice a day without it affecting my (relatively minor) candida symptoms - but I was already on the 80/10/10 diet at that point, FWIW, and apparently such a diet also makes your cells better able to absorb sugar in general.

Anyhow, good luck to your friend! I'll try to come back here for an update once I'm done with the liver flushes, but I am also going to being doing MMS since it looks so promising, and since Andreas Moritz also recommends it (he mentions MMS being able to potentially cure vitiligo, I imagine by helping to remove the poisons that are stopping the skin from behaving normally - I hope that will work for me too!).
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CANDIDA -- EXTREME 18 Jun 2016 08:42 #52546

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After a long time I visited this forum and topic in order to share something that brought finally lasting relieve for me as well as people around me. I know it is controversial but luckily more and more people realize that this is the only solution. Give it a chance, you will not be sorry:

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