Scott, I believe you are dosing PAMMS in milliliters and not drops. When you say you are taking 8 drops I think you are taking 8ml of the 240ml of stock PAMMS. That may be equivalent to an 8 drop dose of 20 second activated MMS dose which is about three times a Protocol 1000 dose. You are actually taking a Protocol 2000 dose. That would be the protocol for people with cancer, etc and at that level of dosing, there may be an odor and taste problem.
Jim says in his book: "
When the person is well, revert to a maintenance dose of 6 drops twice a week (for young people) or 4 to 6 drops a day for people over 60." He also says not to exceed 3 drops per dose unless using Protocol 2000. Someone taking a maintenance dose is not fighting cancer and will not need to exceed 3 drops of 20 second activated MMS which might be 3ml of 240ml of PAMMS. But we know PAMMS is stronger, so I would suggest that 2ml of PAMMS might be the 3 drop 20 second activated MMS equivalent. Not the 8ml you are taking.
I assume most people will be using HCl and not citric acid, and we know the latter is a problem activator as far as taste is concerned. And some people can not tolerate citric acid at all. So, I would say only use 4% HCl. I believe the Bulgarian HRC has stopped using citric acid. I no longer use citric acid.
Have you tried drinking your large PAMMS doses from a narrow neck bottle instead of a wide mouth glass so your nose will not be in the glass? That will save you some money if you don't have to buy boxes of cookies monthly.

And, if you are in the jungle conducting malaria testing, you probably won't have cookies with you either. Those small bottles you have would make great hourly dosing bottles! Just make up 8 hourly doses in them and take 'em to work.
And, the 1 drop PAMMS equivalent to a 20 second activated MMS dose is actually more than that. So, you are really taking very large doses compared to 20 second activated MMS.
Anyway, I don't want to mislead people thinking that PAMMS is dosed by drops because it is not.
Actually we don't need to use drops for dosing, just use ml. Causes less confusion.
We do need to get on the same page, Scott.