Please follow the link below to a very useful thread that has a daily schedule chart that shows when to take mms1,mms2 and when to eat in between.
I printed it for my father and he loves it, much easier to follow and less intimidating. When you are sick you have no patient and you can't think straight sometimes... By the way my mother had GBM, the current traditional treatments do not offer good curing success rate unfortunately. She had two surgeries, chemo and radiation and did not make it unfortunately. The radiation was a big mistake, it made the cancer even more aggressive. Keep on searching here for the correct MMS protocol and also look into a Ketogenic diet and check Dr Burzynski's clinic, I believe he had the best success rate in treating GBM, he is very expensive though I must tell you.
All the best!
Have no problem making up the comcentrations you describe for the MMS and DMSO... very clear; BUT, I [b]just don't know how often during the course of a day to apply this. [/b]
I am trying to get my sister on a Protocol for Glio Blastoma Multiforma. She had surgery in Dec. Did Chemo and Radiation to no avail. This is our last resort.
Doing internal drops, also not at all comfortable with the MMS2 Protocol as to how to add this into the every 2 hour routine....I am confused as to weather or not I should just give her the MMS2 every two hours alone or in combination with the MMS Drops that are taken every hour???
Can someone please help.
Many. Many thanks to you all.... Carol's sister phyllis.