Thank you Martin and Pam.
I haven´t seen any of these videos yet. Will watch all of them. Thank you.
I live in Europe so I probably won´t get the original Aloe Vera juice Michelle used in the video. But I can get one that´s 100% Aloe Vera, nothing else in there.
So I will find out if it´s the Aloe itself that makes the aversion go away without any of the byproducts from the OKF drink. Will let you know.
I´m gonna try and put some extra drops of activated MMS1 into my daily CDS. Don´t know if this makes sense but I´ve got the feeling that I should try.
By the way: after we talked about the inhalation yesterday I did it again....result: runny nose without an end, sneezing about 100 times, slight fever.
What might this be? Herx? What do you think?
Amanda Mary is using CDS Gold which is CDS + Unactivated MMS. Here's a post:
As far as I know this is not a Jim Humble procedure (yet?) I personally take it , I've seen Mark take it (video) and Mary is using it.
I have used activated MMS + CDS on a cow with mastitis last year. I started with CDS and saw improvement in Neula (the cow) but after a couple of months she seemed to plateau , her birthing day was approaching (she was pregnant) , CDS was new then so I went to MMS activated + CDS to just get as much Clo2 into her as possible. She gave birth and nursed Zorro - They are both doing fine today.