I broke my front tooth when I was 12 yrs.old and had a root canal done and a crown. That was about 50 yrs. ago and last year I had it removed and a ceramic implant placed. I sent the removed root canal tooth to a lab to analyze for pathogenic bacteria. 13 bacteria were identified that were in the range of 9 or greater which is considered serious risk. I have health issues I am addressing but I can't say with any certainty that this has fixed my health issues, I am still working towards full resolution and optimal health. What I can say with certainty is that my oral microbiome has significantly improved as evidenced by the appearance of my tongue and the elimination of the halitosis I once had. In hindsight now I am convinced that my oral health began to decline after the root canal was done, all through my teen years I had many cavities that were filled with mercury amalgams. In 1999 I had all of those removed and I have recently started to detox for heavy metals as part of my healing protocol. I am now convinced my dental health issues were caused by that root canal. I am glad I removed the root canal and would have done it sooner but I have been waiting until I gained confidence in ceramic implants, I think they are now a mature technology. I would recommend only doing a ceramic implant with a biological dentist, a titanium implant would only being exchanging one problem for another one. My research led me to select the Swiss Dental Solutions ceramic implant and I would highly recommend that product, I selected the biological dentist in my area that had experience working with them.