The stronger anti-oxidants cycle up in your system and will definitely interfere with ClO2, which is an oxidant (opposite of anti-oxidant). The attached pdf is a very good document to keep in your files showing the anti-oxidant content of a few hundred materials. I don't recall the level for NAC, but vit C, curcumin, and quercetin are off the charts and are certain to interfere with ClO2 and anything you are trying to achieve with it. I was quite surprised at how low some of them were that I expected to be high and vice-versa.
This has been very helpful to adjust my supplement mix during the protocol, which I take for a month every 6 months or so, or at the first sign of a fever, which isn't very often any more for me. Really only once since I started doing this, and I'm pretty sure it was that alleged virus, which I had fought for a few days with ivermectin, then switched over to MMS and poof it was gone without a trace within a couple of days.
Definitely going to try that clay protocol again now that I know the kidney pain was something totally unrelated. I think that most of us have a lot of mold in us that we don't even know about, some more than others, of course.
Ah, yes. Now that I went and looked it up, NAC is the one that turns into glutathione, "the master anti-oxidant." So, yes, beware of NAC interfering with ClO2.