Hi Alex. I treat my wife with a similar condition (breast cancer spread to the bones, liver is fine) since October 2023. She was 60 yo when started, now 61.
We first used oral MMS, for about a month. The usual protocols, first protocol 1000 (up to 3+3 drops every hour, 8 times a day), then 2000, and 3000 with DMSO. Clinical improvement was rapid, within 2-3 days had more strength, mental clarity and feeling better. Kept taking oral MMS in increasing doses, but after about a month there were stomach problems. No real vomit, but stomach pain and discomfort. Switched to CDS, 10ml/day at first, up to 20ml. Kept it for some days, but eventually stopped taking ClO2 about mid-November 2023 because of the stomach.
As long as she was taking it, she kept improving clinically. She also had issues from a huge uterine myoma (19cm, non cancerous) which was bleeding constantly for more than a year. For three weeks as she was taking MMS, it stopped bleeding at all. Ultrasound in November 2023 showed it had decreased in size to one third compared to July 2023. This was a major issue, because it was giving her anaemia, weakness and worsened the tumors condition. Slowly it started bleeding again as she stopped taking MMS/CDS.
Mid-December 2023 an iv port was installed at a central vein and since last Christmas she is taking CDS iv. Improvement is slow but ongoing after that. Uterus has stopped bleeding entirely for the last 2+ months. X-rays on March 2024 showed at least one bone lesion restored (healed) compared to November 2023. Bone spread (and accompanying pain) is not an issue any more, we don't even do regular scans to avoid the radiation. Breast tumor looks contained but still active. Antigen CA 15-3 was still positive at April 2024 but its value reduced, compared to November 2023. We are about to check again this month. She has some evening fever (morning temperature is normal). Recently we came in contact with a person with more experience in using MMS/CDS/CDI and realized that iv daily dosage was rather low. That's why improvement is slow and took so much time for the uterus to stop bleeding. For the last two weeks dose is increased to more that double and evening temperature has gone down 1-1,5 degrees Celsius towards normal.
Overall, better and faster results we had with oral MMS/CDS, as long as she was able to take it. In your situation, depending on her stomach condition, if you go slow and be cautious not to upset the stomach, you should have very good results, regardless of tumor location. In fact the liver should be the first to be positively affected as it has more blood flowing through it and is directly connected to the GI tract. If you do have a vein port installed (which you might have done already if you consider chemo), you can definitely use CDI safely and with good results. I can provide detailed info on that based on my wife's experience.
CHEMOTHERAPY AND RADIOTHERAPY WERE NOT EVEN CONSIDERED AS A POSSIBLE TREATMENT FOR US. NO TREATMENT THAT KILLS NORMAL HEALTHY LIVING CELLS WILL EVER BE CONSIDERED BY US. We didn't even use hormonal therapy, in which my wife's tumor found to be susceptible, because even this treatment has side-effects.
Hope to be helpful, have faith and don't fear. Fear is a bad advisor.