Hi. I'm new here.
I just started really looking into MMS because it seems like it would be useful to have on hand if society collapsed or whatever.
I was shocked to see that there is now almost just as much interest in MMS2... which makes hypochlorous acid in the body.
I have known about how useful hypochlorous acid is topically for a while. And in fact, I already bought an Eco One electrolysis machine that produces it very easily.
So, my first question is... instead of buying and storing MMS1 or MMS2... can I just make a liter of hypochlorous acid solution and take drops of that?
I'm not sure how the ppm dosage would work out. But I can increase the ppm very high by running repeated cycles.
I'm also confused as to a few things.
1. Why are we supposed to take pool shock in capsules and then consume water? Why not simply put the pool shock in the water, make they hypochlorous acid, and then consume it? Would it be too harsh on the mouth and throat? I ask because it's a bit daunting to take calcium hypochlorite directly as it produces chlorine gas when it interacts with stomach acid. I've read about chlorine burps and that seems a bit dangerous.
2. How does the hypochlorous acid in the stomach get into the blood stream and tissues to do its job? Just curious.
3. And finally, is hypochlorous acid superior to chlorine dioxide? It seems to possess a similar antimicrobial profile. And if the electrolysis machine (only costs 150 dollars) can be used... then shouldn't all protocols just start with that? I mean, with these cheap electrolysis machines, we can make vast amounts of hypochlorous acid out of water, salt, and vinegar. No explosive chemicals to store. No dangerous acids. Nothing. And it's so non toxic you can use it on your eyes, in your nose, nebulize it. (just don't heat it as it will off gas chlorine gas). As far as I can tell, it does everything chlorine dioxide does but better, except for 'oxygenating the blood'. And I'm fairly sure we can just drink ozonated water for that.