Eating While On Your MMS Protocol MMS doses should not be taken right at mealtimes.
While on the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing.
Space out the MMS dose and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose.
For example, if you take your MMS dose at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am. Your breakfast should be small and take no longer than 15 minutes. Likewise if you take an MMS dose at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on. During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while taking MMS, just avoid the larger meals during the hours you are taking your doses.) There are a variety of ways this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine. For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00 pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm, this means that by 5:00 pm, or later if you prefer, you could have your large meal of the day. Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea.
Example: If a person starts their dosing at 3:00 pm for example, their last dose would be at 10:00 pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before 1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice— things which are not compatible with MMS, at least 2 hours before starting the protocol. The idea is to adjust your dosing to fit your needs and schedule—see what works for you, but do keep in mind these important rules:
* Do not take an MMS dose with your meals, space out food consumption and your MMS dose by 20-30 minutes.
* During the hours you are actually taking your MMS doses, try not to eat big “feast” types of meals, but rather eat smaller meals and/or snacks.
* Do not eat or drink things that neutralize MMS during your dosing hours.