You could try the F protocol and then switch to C. Its now recommended to use the CDS gas, however, if you don't have it available you could use 1 activated drop of MMs instead. 1 Ml of CDS is equal to 1 activated drop of MMS. We always use a nebulizer and put one tsp of Misosilver in the nebulizer and it is the best we have found for congestion . We just learned about the CDS method and there is little taste and have just learned how to make it. Really easy to do. I got these protocols off of the Andreas Kalcker website.
Protocol F = Frequent
This protocol is used to combat acute viral and bacterial infections:
1. 1 ml of CDS 15 minutes, for 1 hour and 45 minutes in eight doses = 8 ml of CDS. We dissolve the takes of 1ml of CDS (0.3%) in 100ml of water.
2. You can add 8 ml of CDS concentrate (0.3%) to a one liter bottle of water and divide the bottle into 8 equal parts, marking these with felt tip pen lines, and drink one mark down every fifteen minutes.
3. Depending on the severity, we can do protocol F once or twice a day:
○ In case of doing it 2 times: we do it morning and afternoon (spaced at least 2h)
○ If we do it once, we continue with protocol C the rest of the day.
Protocol C = CDS
This protocol is used as a preventive measure, both for healthcare personnel and for asymptomatic patients.
1. Dilute 10 ml of CDS concentrate to 3000 ppm, in 1 liter of water.
2. Take 10 takes, approximately one every hour until the bottle is finished.
3. In case of serious illness or danger to life, the dose could be increased, making a slow upwards progression until reaching 30 ml of CDS per liter of water.