Charlotte Lackney has tested all the different CD products and has come to the following conclusion:
Distilled water ......... = 5.6 pH (used to make the 4 following 60 ml solutions:) (pH is too low)
MMS1 (made with 50% CA).. = 2.7 pH (CA = citric acid)
MMS1 (made with 4% HCL).. = 2.5 pH (HCL = hydrochloric acid)
This recipe made with CDS = 4.8 pH (2 tests average 4.8 pH with 2 different CDS batchs; 1 old, 1 new)
This recipe made with CDH = 3.5 pH (tested with freshly made CDH)
I think it would be unwise to use MMS1 or CDH for teeth brushing, because their very low pH will attack tooth enamel and soften it. Brushing with low pH solutions can cause tooth enamel to be removed! Using high pH water may result in a neutral pH solution, which would be okay for brushing. Measure the pH before brushing!
The whole article with more details can be found here:
As you can see the pH of MMS1 is very low and I would not be brushing my teeth with that unless you add something to it to raise the pH like baking soda. Still test it before attempting this though.
Personally I don't see the point of long term brushing of teeth with CD. As a mouth wash to get into all the crevasses to tackle any infections, now that makes sense.