Oh, so I need to be on Telegram to read about it? I don't even know what this is exactly, is it a kind of Facebook? Anyway, I bought some MMS, the two bottles. But I don't really know the amount I should put. So yesterday was the first day that I used it. I put only one drop of each (the citric acid is 50%) to react, then add a cup of water 3 minutes later. I let the foot in this for maybe 10 minutes. Today, it was not better. So today I used two drops of each. I also received a DMSO cream, which I read would not work if it is a cream. But the liquid DMSO has not arrived yet. So I did the MMS first, then the DMSO cream. I don't know yet if this will do anything. I was unable to find any protocol for the amount of MMS to use for the bumblefoot of a hen, or for any bacteria infection causing inflammation, which is what a bumblefoot is. This bumblefoot has been twice the size it is now, but it has stopped healing at this size. It has been months now. Some days, it is bigger, some days it is a bit maller, then bigger again... what worked at first does not work anymore. So I hope to find the right amount of MMS to use. And when I receive the liquid DMSO, I read I must first do the first part, mixing the drops, wait 3 minutes, add water, add DMSO (how much), wait again for 3 minutes, tthis is supposed to be ingested, but I will put the hens foot in it for 10 minutes instead, she will not ingest any, hoping it will work. I am just doing things without a precise protocol because this does not seem to have been used before for a bumblefoot by anyone, or for a hen.. So I start low,, safely. If you know anything that is wrong with what I am doing, please tell me. Also, if you know what I could do better, please also tell me.