I’ve posted before on here about an issue I was having. It turns out I contracted chlamydia when my uti dibocle started. I have had it for a long time now and it’s a slight bit concerning to me. I was taking mms religiously for 2 months and seeing no results. I tried protocol 2000, and 1000+ and nothing was helping so I got discouraged. I only did 2000 for about a week, there was a small improvement at that time but nothing substantial enough for me not to Switch to the clay. I was thinking This was potentially fungal at the time. I went and got tested when the clay didn’t work just to see. They came back with chlamydia. I decided to take the antibiotics the VA gave me. Doxycycline 100 mg 2x a day for 10 days. I got to day 8 and I was just feeling awful. My entire body is just worn out and feeling like I’m sick. I had a cold early this week but I’m wondering now if that was a virus or if it was side effect from the antibiotics. I reached out to Mark Grenon and he recommended I do either protocol 2000 or 4000. Now that I’m sure and the antibiotics are maybe working but making me feel awful to the point I don’t want to finish them. I’m going to do protocol 4000 to see if it will end this chapter of my life I’ve been facing. This is more just a post to let you guys know I’m attempting to treat chlamydia with 4000 in case anyone else runs across the issue. I’m a little curious why chlamydia won’t be cured by MMS 1 in my case. Has anyone else dealt with chlamydia t. And mms?