Hello Sandyhelms54,
Honestly, I gave up looking here in this Forum because no one had asked or documented anything about Lymphedema, although I gave MMS a fighting chance - I really tried to get it to work. I've been dealing with it for over 2 years and have had everything you mentioned, except not to the extreme levels you have described. I am so sorry you are suffering with this! For me, the MMS did help some, but as soon as I would stop or back-off, the swelling would return - and it never completely went away at any point. I followed Jim Humble's Protocol and got through his Protocol 1000 Plus and then moved on to the Mold/Fungus Protocol. I can't remember now how I learned it, but I finally started to figure out that it could be a Mold and/or Fungus issue. Sadly, as Mr. Humble notes in his book, "there are some types of fungus that MMS1 and MMS2 do not seem to kill". So....the M/F Protocol helped the most, but, still didn't kill it. I tried all that very intensely for about 2.5 months. One side issue DID get resolved though!! I had suffered with Shingles for about 25 years - literally. I took daily doses of L-Lysine to control it, but because Jim Humble's Protocol recommends that all supplements be stopped while on it, I decided to trust and stopped the L-Lysine to try it. Well! I haven't taken ANY L-Lysine since - and NO shingles - still!! I suspect I had to do the MMS Protocol to clear-out what it would - to get to the deeper issue(s) with the next Protocol. Although, I still use the MMS toothpaste recipe - and my teeth/gums are in the best shape ever!
So then, thanks to all the COVID Protocols floating around, I heard about Dr. Dmitry Kats Niacin/Melatonin Protocol and it seemed to make sense that Lymphedema is really an inflammation issue. I was so discouraged after all I had tried even prior to the MMS Protocols, but I started it on August 1, 2021 and now right at 3 months I am as close to 99% cured as I only dreamed possible - and I'm still working on it, with progress regularly! Everywhere I had ever researched Lymphedema said "incurable", but they sure were happy to suggest all the drugs - and I even had a vein doctor tell me surgery was in my future...when it got bad enough! The really interesting thing about the Niacin Protocol is that it has essentially "pushed out" all sorts of issues, including sinus congestion and candida, with the candida (fungus) being the really big one, which continues to push out at different phases. It really freaked me out at first because "Big Pharma" has me well trained to stop whenever you have a "bad reaction" to a drug, but that's generally a really GOOD sign with the Niacin Protocol. BTW, Niacin is the fancy name for Vitamin B-3, so this is really a Protocol to reinforce your body's ability to heal itself - truly amazing!
I won't use this space to talk any more about the Niacin Protocol, other than to direct you primarily to the Telegram Channel: NIATONIN but there is also a website:
niacincurescovid.com/ Dr. Kats does private one-on-one consultations and is very regularly LIVE on the Telegram Channel, answering people's questions.
I'm so sorry you have been suffering so long and so badly with this - I hope this helps!