Personally I don't think continued long term use is wise. I agree with Mike Adams that CD should be used when you get sick or have a health issue, not use it day in and day out.
As Jim Humble says - CD doesn't heal the body, CD destroys pathogens and toxins, allowing the BODY to heal the body.
If we simply rely on CD and ignore or put off eating well we will end up with a weakened immune system and we will get sick more often.
Eating healthy should be the first line of defence against getting ill and having health problems. Raw vegetables, full kernel wheat bread, ginger, turmeric, fruit, Omega 3, Vitamin D, etc, etc.
I just hope people don't get carried away and ignore eating healthy in favour of using CD 24/7 365. It is an amazing weapon against disease, but it can't feed and fuel the body with what it needs to be healthy. That is diet.