I don't know exactly how you applied the solution but I know what works for people. First I would attack the plaque, scrape off as much as you can see. Then I would use cotton balls dipped into a solution of 10 drops of CLO2 and the same amount of citric acid or HCL, into about 3-4 oz of distilled water. Make sure you add the CLO2 and citric acid into a container first and wait 30 seconds before you add the distilled water. It should turn a dark piss yellow. Generously rub the solution over the gums, 3 times daily. You should see some good results within 2-4 days. Keep applying with cotton balls until you are able to brush the dogs teeth without gum bleeding. Go to this site and get in on zoom room with other people to discuss different issues with people. miracleofwater.com