I started the Mold and Fungus Protocol to deal with severe adult-onset asthma. My asthma was so bad that whenever I would have an asthma attack I would be put on life support. Not only this, but right before I would have an asthma attack I would have a burping/gas attack. I always knew when the asthma attack was coming because of the out-of-control burping right before the attack. I followed the Mold and Fungus Protocol and to my surprise, IT WORKED. I have not had an asthma attack since I began the protocol and haven't had to use ANY asthma medicine for over 2 MONTHS, until last night... The problem is... I still have burping attacks. I continued to follow the mold/fungus protocol in hopes of curing my burping. I figured I must still have mold in my body because I still continued to have burping attacks. Last night my burping attacks were so bad that I could not sleep (BTW I did not sleep last night), I can barely speak and it feels like I am about to have an asthma attack. I used my breathing machine to make it easier for me to speak. None of the typical solutions to reduce acid reflux symptoms worked AT ALL.. Apple cider vinegar didn't work, baking soda didn't work and HCL didn't work. I've spent the entire night wondering if it's the Mold/Fungus protocol that's causing the gas/burping now. I wonder this because the ingredients of the Mold/Fungus protocol have been known to cause bloating/gas Bentonite Clay, Senna tablets, and last night I added Colostrum-LD and I've been on the mold/fungus protocol for over 2 months now. I am also wondering if I should have stopped the mold protocol after my asthma issues were resolved. My plan for today is to stop everything and see what happens. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.. I plan to update this post until my excessive gas/burping is resolved.