I’ve used many different alternative medicine modalities for 30 yrs. but just getting going on mms this year. Our animals who have enjoyed great health are now developing senior issues (senior dog with degenerative myelopathy , senior pony with cushings and weight loss and a goat with a tumour!) is there a site or geoup for mms and animals ?
Moonbeam the goat is the most urgent - She is a Large 100 lb or more lamancha goat we adopted a few years ago - lovely older doe who’s just a PET who is just so sweet who free ranges and comes to the house every day with her friends . She developed a front neck tumour the size of an orange over the last 3-4 weeks . We just had her tested in December and she and our other pet goats and 2 sheep are positive forCaprine Arthritis Encephalitis I’ve been trying homeopathy and CS, applying oils externally to the Tumour .
I’ve been reading Jim’s latest book and using mms (with HCL for activator ) for myself , and thought OMG I wonder if I can use it for the animals !!! any advice or suggestions on which protocol to try for her ? how much and how often to dose her (we can easily syringe it into her mouth ) . BUT does it interfere with the cud of a ruminant animal ??
She’s a sweet pet and I don’t want to lose her to this . Vets here are of little help here when it comes to goats , insanely expensive , and for this type of issue it would be surgery as an only option .
anyhow if anyone can offer me some input ?