I think you should search online for hydrochloric acid and sodium chlorite in your language. Also possibly better via Duckduckgo or Giburu or similar (uncensored) sites.
I found by chance this website but it doesn't seem to be a real online store, so be careful and check online reputations before ordering.
Otherwise you can go to local hardware stores, pool stores, pharmacies or chemical suppliers (most likely) to find what you are looking for. You can also call the local water purification plant and ask if they have an idea where you can get it.
The graphene however, you will only be able to detoxify with MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and zinc. MSM produces glutathione and L-acetylcysteine in the body which is needed for the removal of graphene. Alternatively, you can also use DMSO because it converts into MSM inside the body.
I hope the information helps you because in South America it seems not as easy to get the ingredients as here in Europe.
This forum post should also be interesting on the subject of graphene.