Ya'll, I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I've read here on the forums off and on but have never posted. Anyway, I'm so very thankful that ya'll are around!
I stepped on a nail that went thru my crocs shoes and deep in to my foot, 3 days ago. I read that Lugol's iodine renders tetanus ineffective. So I've applied that several times and applied an activated charcoal poultice. I didn't want to take the tetanus shot because I already have health issues and some people were reported getting Lupus from the shot.
I'm scared either way.
I've also taken the activated charcoal internally several days. That is suppose to neutralize tetanus as well.
I didn't see in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook anything about taking MMS for tetanus. If I were going to do like Truth Quester said in an earlier post, and soak a cotton ball, how do I do that? I'm so scared, can someone tell me how to get this stuff on the cotton ball and how much?
Jim did say in the book for Rattlesnake bites, don't ever take DMSO with it because it will just send the poison deeper in to the body. So I think I'll skip DMSO in the case there
was tetanus on that nail.
It happened on a Sunday. We can't afford to go to an ER with my husband having been laid off, and already hitting the ER for HIS snake bite a few months ago.
So Monday I had to make a decision about getting the tetanus shot, and I read that it can be very ineffective because it takes days to get the antibodies up and going after you've had the shot.
Thank you for reading!