It's hard to say for certain because tests weren't available and I'm not getting tested anyway as those results have no legitimacy, but about two weeks after the spring lockdown, I woke up with a dry cough and not feeling "right." I know my body well enough to notice something foreign and regularly use MMS throughout the normal cold and flu season to aid my body back to health rom any illness.
I don't use it as a daily preventative, but will begin use at the 3 drops/hr the minute I feel unwell. My body is used to MMS after about 7 yrs of use, that I don't have herxheimer reactions and don't have to start with the starting protocol. It might make my stomach a bit gurgly, but that's it.
I began to take the MMS right away after waking up with this cough, and by hr 8 felt no signs of any illness, continued for 2 more hrs, just to be safe. I then went to bed and woke up right as rain. Each hr as the MMS would begin to wear off, my symptoms would come back, cough, sniffly, stuffy nose, and slight head congestion. After about 10 min these symptoms would subside, and return milder each hr as the MMS wore off. This is similar to my experience in the past fighting off illness. I won't even let myself get sick enough to say I was actually sick anymore. Thank God for this miracle cure!!